Friday, January 20, 2006

Jim Clyburn Is an Arrogant, Powerhungry Hypocrite... And He's Ugly Too!

After thinking about it, I decided to take any expletives out of the title. After all, most insults end up including someone's mom as well, and that's not my intention.
Upon reading Cly's remarks in The State and his Press Release, I am convinced that Jim is inherently evil. And not just the Diet Coke of evil - he is as evil as pork rinds are bad for your heart. Cly must be stopped for the good of America and South Carolina, and if you don't live in the 6th District, it's time you got off your butt and did something, because this year is an all out assault on Republicans everywhere.
Luckily for us, Cly isn't as smart as he thinks he is. Jim doesn't have the ability to hide his true intentions when he says something. And from what I heard this week, he's telling South Carolina to stick it from now on. It's the common example of a politician representing Washington at home, instead of representing his home in Washington.
I don't focus too much on the Bridge, because everyone knows it's a waste of funds. All he is trying to do is make Orangeburg more accessible to Sumter, so his buddies at SC State can attract more people. That and I'm told he owns a part share in a hotel on Lake Marion, near the gated community that he lives in. But Cly doesn't care if it's a waste. He's daring the State and the courts to try and stop him. Fortunately , we have people like Rep. Murrell Smith (someone who actually graduated from Law School), submitting legislation to block state funds for the bridge. When you're the only one for something, you know it's wrong, but you do it anyway, that is arrogance...
For those of you in Greenville, Charleston and Columbia who think that Cly is not your problem, please wake up. When asked what his focus will be this year, Cly didn't say it would be improving education, lowering unemployment or combating terrorism. His focus is on the Democrats taking back the House. In the small picture, it's not a big deal - Henry Brown, Joe Wilson, Gresham Barrett and Bob Inglis are all secure. The big picture is downright scary. Get ready for the I-word in 2007. If the Democrats win back the House, you can guarantee that there will be an attempt to impeach George Bush. Clear enough now? They will try to peg WMD's, Wiretapping or traffic tickets in retaliation for Bill Clinton's impeachment. The fact that Democrats knew the WMD's were gone and they said nothing is irrelevant. Jim let that little tidbit loose himself - good job, blabbermouth. This year,either the Democrats will win with smears, or go down in flames for years to come. We need to make sure it's the latter. When you turn your back on what's good for your home and your country in order to profit personally, you are powerhungry.
Lastly, Cly has said that the Jack Abramoff scandal will be the biggest disgrace in Washington since the Teapot Dome. If your scratching your head right now, you're not alone. jim is just trying to show how smart he is again. If Strom Thurmond were still alive, he wouldn't remember Teapot Dome. It was from Pres. Harding's term, when a cabinet member leased out oil fields in California and skimmed off the top. Sorry, but when a President resigns, that's a bigger deal. I'll cut through the BS, and just state a fact. Most of the politicians who took money and trips from Jack Abramoff got it by legal means. It's embarrasing, but OK. So far, there are only three Congressmen who it appears took trip that were paid for by Abramoff: Bob Ney, Bennie Thompson, and Jim Clyburn. Thompson and Cly can bring excuse notes from their parents for all I care, but the trip was paid for by Abramoff's old law firm, and that is illegal. Cly was do himself a favor by shutting up ,and letting someone else talk about how righteous they are, because sooner or later, this is going to bite him in his ass. When you criticize people for taking trips, and you took illegal trips yourself, you are a Hypocrite.
Cly needs to be knocked off his perch this year. Some of you give much less credit to blacks than you should. They know a crook when they see one. I've seen Maggie Glover get knocked off. Cly is ready to get a big surprise too - but I can't do it myself.


  1. Reading this entry hardly leaves any doubt as to why people are disgusted over political vitriol like this.

    Anyway, the Teapot Dome is hardly an obscure reference, and the view that the Abramoff scandal will be the biggest in many years is echoed by many neutral observors.

  2. Anonymous11:34 AM

    this republican is dumping all votes for them from my choices.i dont think a police state/country was what i was promised but it seems to be what we now have and if elections work like they are supposed to the democrats will be elected to make the wishes of the people known.
    i would suggest congress start acting responsibly and get busy investigating instead of sweeping the scandals and corruption under the rug

  3. Well, I never said I was 100% non-partisan. While it is vitriolic, someone tell me where there are any non-truths.
    This will be a major scandal, and I've said that before, but not as bad as Watergate. I've been critical of Republicans also, and some will fall when it's all over. I'll make a bet: If you can go on the street ask 10 people what Teapot Dome is, and more than one knows, I'll give you $100.
    Sometimes, anger is necessary in politics. If The State asked Clyburn a tough, probing question even once, I'd leave it up to them. But they have no guts.
    If I've stirred the pot some here today, I've succeeded, because no one truly discusses issues in my District. Thanks for joining in.

  4. Well, I never said I was 100% non-partisan. While it is vitriolic, someone tell me where there are any non-truths.
    This will be a major scandal, and I've said that before, but not as bad as Watergate. I've been critical of Republicans also, and some will fall when it's all over. I'll make a bet: If you can go on the street ask 10 people what Teapot Dome is, and more than one knows, I'll give you $100.
    Sometimes, anger is necessary in politics. If The State asked Clyburn a tough, probing question even once, I'd leave it up to them. But they have no guts.
    If I've stirred the pot some here today, I've succeeded, because no one truly discusses issues in my District. Thanks for joining in.

  5. Sorry for the double comment.

  6. I figured power hungry fit, arrogant ... not totally sure, but ... ugly? Wow ... pulling out all the stops on this dude, aren't we?

  7. Like most posts , I try to put a little humor in the post titles. Half of the title was nasty, so I tried to lighten the end of it. Maybe I should have said he has bad breath... but how would I know?
