Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Maybe Bushes are Green... These and Other State of the Union Viewpoints...

Well, the State of the Union is over. Now all the politicians in Washington can start bashing each other again, and forget the annual lovefest that goes on. It was a pretty standard SOU speech - not as much " we're gonna fix every problem in America" talk as we usually hear. Personally, I prefer to hear the truth ans attainable goals. My favorite SOU quote: "The State of the Union is not strong...." - Gerald Ford , 1975.
Here are some things I found interesting:

Sheila Jackson-Lee, once again in the front row to get in photo ops!.

Cindy Sheehan was in attendance as a guest of Lynn Woolsey, then kicked out and handcuffed. Most of the time, you need to be drunk to get treatment like that.

The Democratic leadership caucus right behind Bush. No sight of Steny Hoyer, but I swear Pelosi was shooting rubberbands at Bush, while Jim Clyburn kept Nancy's train straight...

Iraq. Read my lips, we are not leaving! Bush was pretty stern on this point, making sure that DC knows they have NO influence on troop strength.

Hillary Clinton shaking her head as Bush explained his reasoning on wiretaps. Guess she didn't like Bill's reasoning for bugging Aldrich Ames either.

Democrats cheering for not passing Social Security reform. Perhaps we should pass out fiddles while our benefits burn. Private sector bad!! Except for their retirements.

Bush's one stumble: No economic expansion without immigration? Yikes! I'd like to reroute Air Force One for a day to land in Marion County, so they could see plenty of non-immigrants out of work.

Democrats standing ovation for health care, but their silence when Bush proposed improving health care opportunities for small business. You can't have it both ways , guys.....

" We Are Addicted to Oil" . Bush Goes Green. This will either be where Bush turns a corner, or is branded a liar. More funding for Zero Emissions Coal, Nuclear, Hydrogen and Ethanol. Music to my ears!! But, will this Oil friendly administration's addiction be harder to kick than cigarettes???

Where were the heavyweights on the Democrat side to counterpoint? Tim Kaine? A governor who just took office? Not exactly Ali/Frazier. For all their tough talk, Pelosi, Dean, Kerry and Reid got pretty timid. They must have forgotten that this is about the only time the American public watches them.

All in all, a good job by the President. B+

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