Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Think Lobbyists are Only a Republican Problem? Check This List Out...

As we wade through the wake of the Abramoff scandal, the powers that be in Washington are beginning to realize that lobbyists are a big problem. Now, some people in DC are trying to give the impression that on Republicans are at fault, because they are the majority party. However, if you take a look, there are tons of Democrats who rely on lobbyists for funds, and then pass legislation that they otherwise wouldn't care about. Guess who we will be using as an example today??
Now before I list all the lobbyists that have donated to Clyburn, let me clarify a point. Yes, I could probably pull almost any member of Congress and find a bunch of lobbyists. It is a bipartisan problem, but there are two reasons I leave out the others. First, Joe Wilson and Henry Brown aren't saying that only Democrats are under the lobbying spell. Secondly, I am not running against those men. Besides , two wrongs don't make a right, so please refrain from listing other members in response. So here is the lobby list for old JC:

Herschel Abbott DC
Steven Beckham McLean, VA
David Condon Alexandria, VA
Michael Daniel Gaffney, SC
Victor Edozian Natick. MA
Anita Estell McLean, VA
Victor Fazio DC
Donald Fowler Jr San Francisco, CA
Janice Griffin Silver Spring , MD
John Hilbert III DC
Alvin Jackson Kensington, MD
Robert Kiggans Charleston, SC
Linda Lingle DC
Stephanie Lynch Burke, VA
Butch Maki Santa Fe, NM
Barbara McCall Chevy Chase, MD
Kyle Michel Columbia, SC
Timothy Moore DC
Michael O'Bannon Alexandria, VA
Steven Palmer Arlington, VA
Elijah Rogers DC
Jim Slattery DC
Thaddeus Strom DC
Michael Tongour DC
William Walker Lexington, SC
Richard Whitner Arlington, VA
David Wilmot DC
John Winburn DC

Pretty good list, eh? Two items to note. This is not a complete list, this is only ones that I could identify as lobbyists. There are likely more, because one that I know is a lobbyist is not listed as one. Second, this is a list of only this past election cycle, not from the total 13 years in office.

While JC is busy throwing stones at the GOP, the glass house he lives in is beginning to show some big cracks. The next time that some uninformed idiot tells you that Jim Clyburn cares about his people, and that he's a nice guy, show them this list, and ask them to please wake up.

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