Sunday, March 26, 2006

Extend Medicare Part D Signup?? Why???

Ok, a topic I deal with everyday - Medicare Part D. I won't purport to be the leading authority on Medicare, but as a licensed insurance agent dealing exclusively with seniors, I've learned a lot about it. So, I was a little miffed when I read that Democrats in Washington were planning on asking for a 6 month extension for open enrollment on Part D - Prescription Drug Coverage. Take my word - it's not necessary.

Right now, there are still 45 days left to sign up, so seniors still have plenty of time to pick a plan and enroll. The unfortunate thing is that the plan is being politicized for people's own benefit. While it is not perfect, Democrats are trying to kill the program as too confusing, too complicated. It's the usual Dem.O.(M.O.) - you're too stupid to figure this out, just leave it to us, and everything will be JUST FINE........ Granted, it could have been easier, but it is what it is. If you want to pick a plan, it's easy - see your pharmacist, or an insurance agent, and we'll find one for you.

Republicans politicize this too. I've heard Andre Bauer on the road, and he says that 1/3 of all seniors in South Carolina have not signed up. I like Andre a lot, but there is a very good reason why these people are not signed up - they don't need it.

You see, South Carolina has a very large military and State Employee presence . With all those employees come State and Federal benefits, and among them are -you guessed it - prescription drug coverage. Tricare benefits kick the booty out of private benefits, so none of these retirees need them. There's no sense in signing up for coverage that you already have, and have a better plan for. It's as simple as that.

What's my scientific data to back this up - experience. I haven't run into a Part D customer in months. I'm sure there will be a couple May 15th stragglers, but no many. Will this merit extending the deadline - absolutely not. All it will do is let people procrastinate even longer - and maybe swing a couple senior votes in November.

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