Sunday, March 26, 2006

Time for More Fuzzy Sunday Night Thoughts........

This isn't from my nephew's wedding - I'll get those later. I am back in Good Old SC again. So after 23 hours of driving , and 12 hours of sleep since Thursday, I am especially fuzzy. Just a few thoughts from the sublime to the ridiculous this week.

I see that I got a call from Jim Clyburn's staffer in Florence while I was gone. I have no idea what it's about. Maybe he needs advice on the bridge.....Check tomorrow for the outcome.....What the hell is with that Ford commercial with the rock band going "Beep, Beep"? Either it is the most annoying commercial ever, or it will be a stroke of marketing genius. After all, I am TALKING about it.......

Slow week in Columbia.... All you guys can find to chat about is a Sanford/Lovelace debate, and MAYBE Rick Quinn got in a fistfight? I saw Rick on the road during convention season last month, and I would have liked to sock a person or two also! As far as the debate, I doubt it, but you never know.

George Mason in the Final Four - sign Number 3 that The End is near, and I quote, "What was first is last, and black is green and yellow is white".......wait, that's the Moody Blues. Seems like yesterday that I was ECU arguing with GMU fans about who stunk more - I guess I won that argument.

Yankee Cost of Living Adjustment.... Here's some price updates in case you go nuts and decide to move up North.... 3BR, 1 BA , 50 yr old house in a bad Long Island neighborhood : $395,000 (my parents paid 11k in 1958 for it). Gas : $2.65 , 20 oz. Pepsi: $1.49.

Had great time at my nephew's wedding, but I didn't get the hot bridesmaid - she brought her boyfriend from Texas. I'm better off anyway, word was she used to be a stripper. That and her huge boyfriend was a real nice guy..........


  1. Mike:

    That call from Clyburn's office is either about the bridge or to sneak you the number of the bridesmaid. Trust me on this.

  2. Just got off the phone with her. The Morning News article said that I was a member of the UNCF, and she knew I wasn't. I have given to various events, and I always support private groups who want to raise money for education. I know her already, and she's a nice woman, so it was no big deal. However, they are NOT sorry that I'm not running this year against Jimbo.
