Monday, May 08, 2006

Don't WE ALL Love Joe Biden ?????

Joshua, I have to ask that you guys put a Lee Bandy filter on SC Hotline... I thought I was partisan, but Lee Bandy is the absolute worst partisan kissass in South Carolina! Are we supposed to believe that Joe Biden , the guy who John Roberts made look like the biggest idiot on the planet, is going to be our next preisdent? According to him, it's almost a foregone conclusion.

Having had the good fortune to not have read The State newspaper until I won their endorsement in the GOP Primary two years ago, I have this question: What did Lee Bandy do to entitle him his column of attempted brainwashing? I don't ride Brad Warthen much, because at least he writes columns that support his ideas, not an attempted infomercial for the Democratic Party.

Joe Biden is a clone of John Kerry - with a little less money, and just barely less of a chip on his shoulder. The Democratic Party can be my guest and nominate another DC insider in '08. this spells another loss for them, unless the GOP nominates a Senator also ( I may have just convinced myself not to vote for John McCain). If the last 4 elections haven't taught them this, they are in trouble. But fear not, Lee Bandy is here to set us all straight from our wayward path.

God forbid if I ever start thinking that I change people's minds with this blog....... Too bad Lee hasn't figured that out.


  1. I'll pass that one along... This is the same State paper who referred to me as a "Cancer" today.

    Anyone who knows my birthday knows I'm a Virgo...

  2. You might be a Virgo, but my July 9th birthday confirms me as a bonafide Cancer!
    If I had to guess, Lee Bandy would be a Taurus - 100% Bull. Take the paper reference as a compliment, just as my endorsement was the kiss of death.

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Good article. SC Hotline is hot right now. Every candidate I know and I know most read it and their campaigns. It does look like SC Hotline has already put a filter on the Quinn campaign. Wonder why. Could it be Thomas.

  4. Thanks.... I almost use SC Hotline as my political Google page - even to access the online newspapers.
    Joshua, are you squashing the Quinn campaign?

  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I believe Joshua is squashing the Quinn campaign. How about it.

  6. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
