Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Say Goodbye to the Biggest Crook in the Pee Dee!

"Naughty, Naughty, Naughty!"

- Professor Hinkle, from Frosty the Snowman.

Anyone who has spent the past ten years in the Florence area is familiar with the rise and fall of Roy Singleton. The young guy somehow came from nowhere to own a Mobile Home and Used Car lot, seemingly making a lot of money along the way. He owned a Modified Drag Car, and "We Can Save You Money" was on billboards and TV all over the area. But how Singleton got there has unraveled over the past couple years, showing his illegal activities , and attempted defrauding of the Federal Government. Today, Singleton pleaded guilty , and could face a 30 year prison sentence, a $1 Million fine, or both..... How the Mighty Majesty hath fallen.
What happened? Well, it may be that Singleton was laundering drug money through his business. This happened a couple years back, and suddenly Majesty was very quiet. However, Singleton wasn't done scheming yet. In one of the worst examples of sleazy behavior I've ever seen, Singleton defrauded the government of $487,000 intended for businesses that were adversly affected by 9/11. Don't ask how he was able to convince Washington that the dropping of the Twin Towers affected a used car dealer in Hartsville, SC - but he did. In addition, he borrowed $350K from Wachovia Bank to buy cars, sold them , and didn't pay Wachovia back. Nice.....
The story of Roy Singleton is the same as a dozen mob movies.... Those who try to make a quick buck via the shortcut burn out very fast. There are no shortcuts in life - you work hard, pay your dues, and eventually you catch a break. That's it.


  1. yeah, that sort of stuff usually does catch up, doesn't it?

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I wonder how many really get caught. Hope a bunch but hard to tell.

  3. According to news reports, he was the only person to file a claim outside of New York - not very swift.

  4. Anonymous4:55 PM

    no way is this guy dumb as rocks or what

  5. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I think that this guy Mike has a personal vendata against this guy Roy Singleton. Sounds to me that this guy worked hard to get where he was.Obviously this guy Roy Singleton is a black man that became successful at a young age in a small town. Mike NEEDS TO GET A LIFE ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Thanks for commenting on a post I did three years ago. Mike has a life, and I think even Roy is out by now. Aside from half of his softball team running me over at the plate in 1997, I don't have an axe to grind with him - but he did break the law...

  7. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Yes Mike, maybe it was 3 years ago. I got the opportunity to read your comments. You do not know the real Roy Singleton, you discredited his name. Yes he is now out, he has paid his dues, and is successfully in business again and doing well. To my knowledge he was never affiliated with the mob or laundered drug money.He also has a book that will be released in 2010 would you like a copy?

  8. Careful where you step here, Anon. Everything that I reffered to was the truth. If not, feel free to sue the Florence Morning News or other agencies, becasue that is exactly where the story came from. If he has changed , then congrats to him. You can keep the book - I'm not interested in reading stories of people who broke the law, they try to profit from it...

    Lastly, read the story one more time, and tell me exactly where I said he was involved with the mob or laundered drug money? I said his story was LIKE that of a short sighted person - like a drug dealer.

    Roy Singleton is way back in my rearview mirror... You should worry about other things than 3 years old articles that are factually correct.

  9. Anonymous3:21 AM

    I worked closely with him toward the end. It's all true for the most part. Why is it the only people that stick up for him can not even speak properly i.e. Ebonics bullshit. or have to always play the race card. Roy was not the smartest guy but he had balls bigger than brains. More balls than most. It was the auto dealership that brought him down. Fraud will do that. It's called being out of trust with the lender/bank. When you buy a car for 10k and show the bank a slip that says you paid 13k eventually it will catch up to you and they investigate why. I still liked him and wish him luck.
