Friday, May 05, 2006

Maybe Ambien Doesn't Work Like a Dream.........

Mark today on your calendar as the day that cemented the impossibility of Patrick Kennedy joining his Dad in the Senate. There are so many angles flying around right now with this whole incident, that it's hard to keep up. Did he get preferential treatment? Oh yeah.. Considering he ran a cop off the road first, you bet. Did the Capitol police go easy on him because of the Cynthia Mckinney incident, or is McKinney right that different members get treated differently? Maybe. Is Kennedy having trouble with serving in Washington? Well, if I couldn't sleep, has gastritis and chronic pain, I'd probably look for another job. like my chiropractor says, "Treat the illness, not the Symptom."

At least we know what the real cause of Kennedy's accident was now. The Ambien excuse seemed pretty weak from the start. Kennedy's drug problems go back to before he was in college - and he is Ted's kid. Painkillers are harder to kick than recreational drugs, mostly because doctors tell you it's okay. Hopefully, he'll clean himself up, pinpoint what his problem is, and make some lifestyle changes. One thing is for sure - his chances of being a Senator are over.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Anyone heard of a pharmacy site called I got great generic Ambien from them delivered to me in quickly. I used the promo code FIRST and I got $15.00 off my order. I know it is still valid since my friend just ordered...anyone else heard of I really like them! Sarah

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Anyone heard of a pharmacy site called I got great generic Ambien from them delivered to me in quickly. I used the promo code FIRST and I got $15.00 off my order. I know it is still valid since my friend just ordered...anyone else heard of I really like them! Sarah

  4. Anonymous4:23 AM

    My name is Catherine Snow and i would like to show you my personal experience with Ambien.

    I have taken for 1 years. I am 57 years old. Works great if I take it on an empty stomach, and get right into bed. If you take it and try to keep yourself awake, you can override the pill and be up all night.

    Side Effects :

    I hope this information will be useful to others,
    Catherine Snow

  5. I have been taking ambien for years now, and I love it. I suffered from insomnia since I was a child and so far this has been the only medication that can put me to sleep. I would recommend it for anyone that needs to use a sleep aid, especially for a short term remedy it is perfect.

  6. Didn't work at all. Couldn't fall asleep. I took 4 x 20mg by the 5th day, nothing happened at all.
