Thursday, May 04, 2006

Winner of The Milton Waddams Award is Benedict Shogaolu... Who??

Welcome to Week Three of The Milton's! This week, we honor embattled former LYMO Chief, Benedict Shogaolu. For those of you not familiar with Ben and LYMO, I'll explain briefly. LYMO is the transportation company servicing the Myrtle Beach area, and Benedict used to run the authority. That's about the most positive thing I can say..

Starting April 5, Shogaolu has been serving his three concurrent, 5 year sentences for bribery, and improper use of public funds. Among the things he was caught doing: He spent $3100 of the left over money given to him by LYMO to attend his brother's funeral in Africa to pay a personal bill, he accepted $20k in furniture and fixtures from a LYMO contractor, using public funds to take personal trips to New York and Honduras, giving himself illegal pay raises, and using public money to hire an attorney to fight a speeding ticket in court. Nice guy......

This is exactly what is wrong with public officials. They view their sole purpose in life is to take advantage of the position they hold, and the perks that can be stolen. Shogaolu even has the nerve to have sued LYMO for payment of his severance package! The scandal has plagued the Transportation authority so badly that LYMO is once again changing it's name to bury any past ties to Shogaolu.

Speaking of burying past ties, Shogaolu had given a good chunk of money to a lot of local politicians, among them is our friend, Jim Clyburn. Jim tries to act like they don't know each other, but the evidence is pretty solid. The Sun News had proof that Shogaolu was in a business partnership with Jim and 8 others, he called Clyburn on his personal cellphone 5 times, the authority lobbied Clyburn's office for funds (which is illegal), and Shogaolu is also on the Executive Committee of the James E. Clyburn School of Transportation at SC State - Clyburn's alma mater. Kudos to David Wren of the SunNews for sticking his neck out against a powerful foe.

Like Milton, Benedict Shogaolu is a loser, but unlike Milton, he will not be sipping Mai Tai's with no salt on a tropical island with $300k in the bank. He will be in a cold cell - where he belongs. Congratulations Ben, the Red Swingline stapler is in the mail - C.O.D.


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Whoever wrote this article must have no respect or knowledge of Mr. Shogaolu's charachter. I have been a personal friend of Benedict for years & it is sad to see how those closest too him quickly turned the advocate of his demise (DAVID WREN). Benedict has changed & directly effected the lives of anyone he has come in contact w/ in a positive manner. I am again embarrassed by reporters who ruin the lives of people to boost thier own self images. Unfortunately for Mr. Wren, Karma will stike him when he least expects it. That's what happens when you destroy the lives of saints. I am still not sure wether the attack on Shogaolu is personnal, jelousy, or racial! The facts just dont add up, especially when you know this man & spoke w/ him everyday, even worked for him. F the system for trying to protect those who help others. Lastly, because I am a busy man, why dont you people knock the crap off & do something for yourselves! Also, look into the past of WRTA, Lymo, & Benedict Shogaolu. I think you will find some extremely impressive attributes!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This has to be the best attack reply we've had yet. I'll be diplomatic here. No, I don't know Benedict personally, and as such, I can't vouch for his character. Perhaps he has done a lot of good for those he's been around - you would know better than I, so I won't discount anything you have said.

    However, it is crystal clear that in his job as head of LYMO, he broke laws, and took advantage of his position and the public funds that funded it. He will pay the price, and the DA says he appears contrite. I hope so. As the facts go here, his past deeds are irrelevant. Like many public officials, somewhere along the line, he lost his way.

    As for David Wren, the man did his job. Katon Dawson has said many a time, and I paraphrase, "Don't ever mistaken the media for your friends." Very wise words. Their job is to find news, and uncover the facts - and no one is disputing that here.

    Lastly, I do plenty for myself, thank you... And send Jim my regards! Thanks for reading my blog.

  3. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

  4. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

  5. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I think your attack on Benedict Shogaolu is despicable ! kick a man while is down ! I think this whole think smirks of political oppurtunism ! $3100 out of $10000 that you said he was authorised to spend ? give me a break, how much did it cost to prosecute hime, and as for the so called $20000 furniture he got, is that quid pro quo ? I don't beleive it. Like they say, you will be judged the same way you judge others. Harshly.If I were you, I'll be a bit circumspect, like there goes I, If not for the grace of God.

  6. Anonymous10:30 AM

    There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.
