Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Going Away Present for Al-Zarqawi... A Milton.

Just because you get stepped on by Big Brother doesn't mean you don't deserve it sometimes... And the Size 15 EEE width foot that stomped on Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi today was in the shape of a Stinger missle attack in one of his "Safehouses". You know, you should always speak good of the dead. Al-Zarqawi is dead........GOOD!

Of course, the fight continues, but this was a good day for us, Iraq and the fight against terror as a whole. Those who believe that God rewards those who kill in his name took a huge blow today. If anyone wants to take his spot, they will likely have the same fate, both here on Earth and afterwards. Yes, rejoicing over the death of someone isn't very Christian, but we'd never be here if terror groups hadn't decided that a unified Iraq was a bad idea.

Like all other Milton winners, Abu will get his red, Swingline stapler. I just need a drill long enough to reach the deepest most bowels of Hell. Enjoy the weekend, get ready for Super Tuesday, and keep working on those TPS reports!


  1. I say give him a big ziploc bag - he's earned it!

    Oh, that's right ... he's already IN one. Excellent hunting!!!

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Glad he is with Allah at last.
