Thursday, June 08, 2006

Moye Graham Is THE MAN !!!

In Republican circles, Clarendon County is often viewed as an afterthought. With no sitting Republicans at literally any level of government, a lot of candidates skip the monthly meeting in Manning. Not tonight!

Ten of the 18 candidates running for statewide office in the GOP came or brought a representative to the Palms Restaurant at Wyboo Plantation tonight. Those who came in person included Thomas Ravenel and Rick Quinn, and Mike Ryan, Elizabeth Moffly and Kerry Wood also came. Who gets credit for this scheduling coup? None other than my buddy and frequent blog poster, Moye Graham.

Moye busted his tail to get everyone here, and he helped show that Clarendon County may not be a Democratic stronghold for long. More importantly, he had a cute , petite brunette by his side all night - that is why Moye is THE MAN!!!! By the way, Moye is in no way related to Lindsey. In fact he may be suing to make Lindsey change his last name to #@!(*&!! - but that is usually Lindsey's middle name.

Congrats to Moye and the Clarendon Crew for a good show, and as a side note.... I made it there without getting lost and without the aid of Mapquest - I am now officially considered a resident. Lastly, I got $150 in contributions there, which is $150 more than Gary McLeod got!


  1. Mike - I don't even think anyone TALKED to McLeod, which would have to happen before they could give him a contribution.

    It was a great show last night, and I enjoyed being there as well. Moye IS the man.

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    No you the man

  3. Correction Earl. Gary chatted long and hard with Mike Gellatly of the Manning Times for a good hour. Not sure what it was about, but Mike earned his money last night.
    Moye, was that your new girlfriend last night?

  4. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Check your email for answer. Gary also had the Governors wife held up several times as a couple of us were having to save her. How many signatures do you need to have someone commmited.

  5. If you can convince a family member, I think it only takes one. Gary does not look good - very pale.

  6. Poor Mike probably didn't know any better. He was just wrapping up college in 2004, so he probably never met the guy until now.

    But I'm sure he knows him now!

  7. Anonymous10:48 PM

    your best post still on google

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    great post man

  9. Anonymous8:54 PM

    great post dude
