Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Happy 'Fugees Day........Really!!

Not These Fugees.............................. THESE Fugees....

Believe it or not, today was Refugee Day. Yes apparently we have a day where we remember the 14 million people worldwide who are displaced from their homeland by either famine or war. Of course, that doesn't include the 12 million illegals in the US currently.... You are only a refugee if you don't want to be where you are, and they're quite content in our country.

The good news is that the number of refugees has dropped by 40% in recent years, so I guess we're making progress. Unforunately, there are no big parties planned for Refugee Day, and a National Holiday appears bleak. It's kinda like President's Day, except we still get mail.

Well, enjoy Refugee Day, and try to keep it in your heart all year long - wait that's Christmas........

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Maybe Lindsey Graham and John McCain can try to push a Holiday through on their way out.
