Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Mexican Mafia Takes a Lake City Bank for $80K - And This Week's Milton!!

** - Not an actual photo..

Once again, we go back to the great town of Lake City for this week's Milton Waddams Award winner. I'm not trying to pick on Lake City - it's just that a lot of stupid things go on there. Note to the town - get your act together, and I'll have no reason to pick on you!

This week's winners are the Carolina Bank branch there. Last week, a group of Mexican men came in to cash their weekly paychecks from South Carolina Prestress in Lake City. While it may not seem unusual for a bunch of guys to come in to cash their checks together, by the time it got to about 100 people, the crew at the bank started to get suspicious.....After all, SC Prestress didn't even have that many employees.

It turns out that these guys were part of a group out of Texas known as the Mexican Mafia, and they made out with over $80k from the bank before they got smart. Apparently, the gang had an elaborate system that duplicated SC Prestress' payroll check to a T. Easy as Pie!!

First off, let me thank the bank for giving me something to shake my head at this week.. Secondly, for those of you who scoff at the idea that Illegal Immigrants are not a problem in South Carolina, you stand corrected. Luckily for the Bank Tellers, there wasn't any kind of incident - which is more than I can say for this little guy!!!


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    And ICE won't touch these feckless felons, thank you Jimmie "Dynomight" Clyburn.

    I have to wonder just how really insensitive John Graham Altman's solution to these immigrants was in comparison to mine... chain gang, Senor Remington no habla espanol.

  2. HEY!!! Don't still my Kat Burglar picture! haha

    I always enjoy your site and enjoy your comments!

  3. My apologies for the thievery, Michael. I just ran into it during my Google image search. Pretty funny.

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    geez, the kat burglar has been around for a few years now...

    'course the leading pic can't be a real bank robber... that's a Packers cap not a FSU Criminnoles or a Raiders cap, unless it's a stoopid Democrat disguise.

  5. Sorry about the kat burglar cliche'...I think the photo is an actually robbery pic, just not the actual one for this story. Crime happens, even in the Land of the Cheeseheads!

  6. Thanks for steeping into my bear trap, PDP ! It's always good to have some locals checking out the blog and discussing local issues.

  7. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I need to stay home more. I was discussing Mexican farm workers with a what else Farmer and also the Farmer happens to be a Judge. His Mexicans do not harm anyone or cause any problems or cost the Taxpayers anything. Bull----. How much does your soul cost.

  8. Well, you might show him the unemployment numbers for where he lives, and ask if someone isn't getting hurt. Sure, most of them work hard and don't cause problems crimewise, but the fact is their presence takes money from taxpayers and all the citizens.
