Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I'm Now a Crawford Red Smurf !! This and Other Post - Post Game Thoughts......

Nothing like a post game show the day after the Primary, right ? Well, I had to help a buddy pick up some countertops at Lowe's - hey, I'm a great guy !! Everyone else has had their roundup, but I'll try to focus more on the races in that forgotten area known as the Pee Dee...
Kris Crawford pulled a bit of a stunner yesterday in the Seat 63 race. It wasn't surprising that he won, but the 20 point margin was a shocker. Kudos to Kris , Becca (aka The Sticker Ripper Upper, not true) and their team - half of whom are probably reading this!! A lot of money was spent by both Kris and Bubby Floyd, but Kris' team just seemed to outwork Bubby in the neighborhoods. Shoeleather is still more valuable than money in local elections, and Kris an the Red Smurf crew put the work in. Pops has his Red Crawford shirt, so we now will join the Smurfs against Steve Calcutt in the Fall.
Philip Lowe had a pretty easy time in defeating Licia Stone, and he'll face Larue Kirby in the General Election. Special thanks goes to Philip for trying to assist a voter who wasn't registered - my Dad!! It's a long story, but thank you Philip, and I look forward to helping out. Pops has a new Voter Registration Application all ready to go!
So, who am I facing? As expected , it will be Al Bradley. He and I were at election Hdqtrs. watching the results ( which took FOREVER!!). I was a good boy, and congratulated Al on his win. However, the results gave me a lot to look forward to. Only about 900 votes were cast, 668 going to Al. Naturally, Al blamed it on the weather in the Morning News ( his third interview this month). That might be a good excuse, but the rain didn't start in Florence til about 500 PM. He was also quoted that he feels very confident about November - good..........
Okay, a word or two about the Statewide races. Yes, Gov. Sanford getting only 65% isn't great, but Tommy Moore has alot of ground to make up. Total votes: Sanford 156K, Moore 80K, and Lovelace 78K. Put in those perspectives, Moore is about 75,000 votes behind Mark right now. And Frank Willis? I'll be easy on him in defeat.. I'm glad he won't be there in November. Democrats in Florence are not going to get excited about voting for Moore or John Spratt this Fall, so I now have one less problem - only 50 other problems left!!
Like Sunny said, Thomas getting 48% was a surprise to me, but there were a ton of undecideds there. And where the heck did Henry Jordan get 18% from? Those guys Upstate must have something odd in the water. Will Andre get the 9 pts from Jordan's people to pass Mike Campbell? - it'll be tough. I've never heard the words used about someone like I did about Bauer this week. Words like " embarrassment" and "Immaturity" over and over. Looks like I misjudged the anti-Andre camp.
Kudos to Bob Staton and Greg Ryberg for dropping out, and not extending the inevitable. Moye isn't going to like this, but Rick Quinn should do the same. I have a feeling that Rick and Thomas are gonna rip each other to shreds if they go at it, and each will look worse when it's over. Making up a 30 pt deficit in two weeks, even with Ryberg's support, is impossible. Like Ryberg said, you can't dispute the numbers.
Well, that wraps it up for tonight... Take tomorrow off, and get back on the campaign trail this weekend. Election Day is only 150 days away!!!


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    OK, Capps, got a question for you:

    Are the media REALLY treating Andre and his opponent fairly?

    I mean, the speeding thing has been beaten to death. Sure, it was a dumb thing to do, but the media (one dead-tree publication in particular)really piled on. But it is not unlike Bauer's opponent did not have baggage as well. For instance, he was cited for serving under-age people at his bar in Columbia. If the media were truly fair, wouldn't there be at least some discussion of this, rather than this pretense that Andre does everything wrong and his opponent does everything right?

    Give me your thoughts. I think I'll also post this on Mike Reino's blog. THANKS!!!

  2. No, I don't think the State was fair at all, but does anyone expect them to be?
    while it's not fair, I don't think it really hurt very much - any true Republican won't take much creedence in Brad's word ( See Malocchio post below).

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Alright I picked two wrong as I did think Rick would be in a runoff I hope he will drop out if he has not already. You know I like Thomas and know him enough that he called my Mama after I told Thomas she had to go vote in the rain for him and Andre and remember she is 87 years old and was number 6 on the GOP sign in ballot at the poll she votes at in Williamsburg county. Several hundred had already voted on the Democratic side at this time so I am proud of her not being sucked in by their trash. Anyhow congrats to Thomas I was shocked at the results and would had supported him against Ryberg and I hope he wins in November. As far as the Campbell/Bauer race I could be wrong but Mike has his work cut our for himself. Can Andre pick up enough from Henry Jordan no and neither can Mike. The Jordan supporters probably most will sit the runoff out so Andre has to energize his supporters and Mike is peaked just like David Beasley can only get about 45 per cent. Whoever can get their supporters to the polls win.

  4. I can't see Andre making up the ground, especially if the Jordan voters sit it out. There are a lot od non-voters that can join in this one, but that's a longshot. I see this as alot different than 2004 - there were ton of Anybody But Beasley's. I don't see an anti-Campbell crowd, so he will likely pick up the needed 4 pts. Funnier thing have happened......

  5. Anonymous4:32 PM

    You are probably right on this one but I have already conceded one race today.
