Thursday, June 15, 2006

The BMW 745I : The Preferred Ride of School District Bureaucrats Everywhere...

For those of you who don't know, I work at a car dealership - not a standard job for a County Council candidate, but that's the whole point. Every day, I assist a lot of very well off people: Doctors, Attorneys, Businesspeople - Men and Women who have gone out in the private world and made their mark. I might envy them sometimes, but I respect them for succeeding in the world better than I have. However, I've started to notice a trend that raises a red flag in my mind: The Number of School District Administrators and Principals driving BMW's and Mercedes-Benz's.

Above you see the BMW 745LI, and it seems pretty popular among the School crowd. The price of that car is about $80,000. While you might want to say "It's his/her money, let them do what they want with it", keep in mind - YOU PAID FOR THAT CAR. Hey, normally I'd let it slide, but when I hear the same people complain that they are squeezing the budget as tight as possible, then they hop in a 500 SEL, I think, "What example are they setting?" It may not be a huge fix, but how many books , pens, toilet paper and things Administrators say they are lacking would an eliminated position or no pay raise buy? I have a new slogan: "Fire an Administrator, Hire 3 Teachers: Do the Math".

I read a Press Release from Jim Clyburn, where he was upset that someone criticized how many expensive cars were outside his office. "What does what car I drive have to do with anything" was Jim's response. Well Jackson, when your salary is paid for by tax dollars, you spit in the face of every constituent who is driving an 8 year old Nissan Sentra to work at the plant, only to have to drop 25% of it to pay idiots like you so you can lease that new Town Car. Does that clear it up any?

By now, you might be saying, "Mike , are you crazy? You're biting the hand that feeds you." Not really. BMW's and Mercedes-Benz have prepaid service plans, and idiot lights that have to be cleared at the dealer, so they have to come see me..... Hee, hee! That or look at that blinking "CHANGE OIL " light forever. Revenge is sweet.

To a slightly lesser degree, can someone justify how using church donations to let your preacher drive a brand new Lexus honors God? That one bothers me also...


  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    I am a GMAC person you know Chevrolet or Buick kind of person. What happened to the good ole USA.

  2. Prestige, my man! That, and to be honest, quality. As long as we pay Union people $35/hr plus insane benefits to do bad work, we will not catch up.

    Germany and Japan still make better cars. GM still focuses too much on gadgets, and not enough on making a car that just drives dependably, without everything falling off and blowing up at 80,000 miles.

  3. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The 745il also seems to be the choice of Darius Rucker, but he freakin' EARNED IT! The Bureaucrats driving them lead me to look at how Duke Cunningham was bought AND the fact that there appear to be no real investigative reporters...
