Friday, June 16, 2006

No Offense to the NRCC, But John Spratt Ain't No Wooden Duck !!

" A Yo-Yo ?? Nancy Pelosi will love this !"

I see the NRCC has started a campaign to dethrone some vulnerable Democrat congressmen, and John Spratt is at the top of the list. They even made a cute little decoy duck to pick on the Burgermeister Meisterburger with. I hate to burst Tom Reynolds' bubble, but it will take a lot more than bad props and a cute slogan to oust our droopy-jowled friend.

Spratt has a reputation around the district , that he is a policy and budget wonk. More accurately, at least he can explain those things that Jim Clyburn has such a problem with. Spratt kind of throws numbers around in a dizzying flurry, to the point that you don't know what he's talking about, but you're left with the impression that he MUST be smart. One thing is for sure.... he isn't stupid, and he knows he's in for an all-out assault this year. That's what will make it hard on Ralph Norman .

Florence is split between the 5th District ( about 75% GOP) and the 6th. If Ralph could find his way a couple times, and he puts out a clear, effective message that resonates with the locals, he could find himself about 5,000 votes ahead of where he is now. Most voters don't care that Lindsey , Jim DeMint and Joe Wilson have endorsed him, they want to size him up face-to-face. But the exposure and big lead -time that Raplh has received left too much time for Spratt to counter. Check Droopy Dog's FEC report - he's raised a lot of cash since Norman put his big tally on the board. the money is no longer an issue - they've both raised it. The issue now is shoeleather.

My advice is for Ralph Norman to get out on the road, worry less about the cash, and find those areas that he can convert the conservative Democrats and Middle of the Road Republicans that are tired of Spratt. If we have learned anything this month, it's that cash does not guarantee success.

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