Thursday, June 15, 2006

Milton Waddams Honors The Little Candidates This Week !!

A while back, I wrote a post that inferred that some candidates were wasting voters time. That they had no shot at winning , so why bother? Well, I meant it from the voters point of view, not my own - believe me, candidates don't get any smaller ( and not much shorter ) than me! So today, we honor the little guy/lady who fought through the naysayers , and crossed the finish line on Primary Day.

Yes, for every TRav, there was KWood, and as pretty as Karen Floyd is, Liz Moffly ain't bad either. To Jeff Willis, Mike Ryan, Henry Jordan and William Bell - the Big political machines may not have wanted you there, but thanks for not listening, for getting out there, and giving it your best! For you, goes the ultimate in rewards...........

A Red Swingline Stapler........ And Our Respect.


  1. Anonymous12:37 AM

    I supported a couple of these little guys and glad I did. Met so many of them Kerry Wood, Mike Ryan, E. Moffly, Mr. Flynn, Mr. McKown, Oscar Lovelace, Henry Jordan, Jeff Willis met the big ones also Governor Sanford, Mike Campbell, Andre Bauer, Karen Floyd, Mark Hammond, Thomas Ravenel, Rick Quinn, Senator Ryberg, Hugh Weathers in fact knew some of them before this election most of the big ones really including Henry McMaster, Mr. Spears and Mr. Eckstrom who had no competition. We all want the same a good Republican in office and none of them that I know did not want the same thing. I believe all of them were sincere. My heart aches that a couple of them lost and as I have said so many times I really wish that I could had voted for most of them but we cannot. I join you in saying thanks for giving it your best. I only hope that the GOP leadership can understand let the people choose not the ones that feel they are the chosen to tell us who we need to support we have a brain we have a heart and we have a need we are free people. A lot of good candidates lost and a lot of good ones won. Let us all support the ticket in November but let us all remember no one should take us for granted there is nothing wrong with supporting the little guy because without him/her we have no democracy. Or is it a Republic.

  2. It would be nice to see a little guy catch fire and really light up the imagination of the voters, but it rarely happens. Like the saying goes, there are no coincidences.

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I did leave out my good friend William Bell bad boy me. I cannot believe that we elected not appointed a person that admits he never voted in a GOP Primary because that is the way Orangeburg County operates and I need to ask our ole buddy Lindsey in Orangeburg has the guy ever joined the local GOP or maybe even the SCGOP of course Katon would not give you a straight answer he would give you no answer. Ok I am hard on Katon but I do like the guy and he has done great things for the SCGOP but quit telling me who to support and the Governor who I also like can also quit telling me who to support. Need I go on.
