Thursday, August 31, 2006

SC6 Trivia Quiz: Hillary Clinton, Hilary Duff, or Duff McKagan ????

Since we're heading towards a Holiday weekend, let's have some fun. Here's a quiz that combines three of my favorite things: Politics, Women , and Rock n Roll..... Michael Reese, why haven't you thought of this??

Try to guess who did what - Sen. Hillary Clinton , Actress Hilary Duff, or Guns n Roses and Velvet Revolver bassist Duff McKagan...... Enjoy!

Who is a Rocker, who wants to Rock, and who is as hard as rocks? McKagan, Duff and Clinton, in that order...

Who penned a best-selling book, who penned a best selling song, and who penned an album of inane drivel? Clinton (nee Rodham), McKagan, and Duff.

Who had Vince Foster killed? Hilary Duff...

Who played Lizzie McGuire on the Disney Channel? Duff McKagan.

Who had a decade long addiction to heroin? Hillary Clinton.

Who sounds best cranked up to 11? McKagan.

Who sounds best with the mute button on? Hilary Duff.

Who sounds best turned of completely? Hillary Clinton.

Quote: "I'm not gonna stay at home and bake cookies"? Duff McKagan.

Quote: " Axl Rose is an idiot... I would never get back together with him again." Hilary Duff.

Quote: "These Guitars kick ass.... Don't like it? F- off!". Hillary Clinton.

Wait. I think I got some of these mixed up..... Anyway, have a nice Labor Day weekend. Drive safe, and I'll see you Monday!


Joshua Gross said...

Classic stuff... enjoy the Holiday!

Anonymous said...

Best eye candy to be seen with Mike, even if she seems an airhead,

Hilary Duff

Anonymous said...

That Hilary Duff is a peach. The other Hillary is a piece of sh--. Can you imagine her as our president and to think McCain and Lindsey likes her. One day we are going to have to take this country back. Maybe we can elect the other Duff.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Hey, I've never met Hilary Duff.........But I did see Lindsay Lohan in a dumpster behind Apple Annie's once!

____________ said...

This is pretty funny....mckagan was my favorite one out of GnR

Anonymous said...

That was not Lidsay Lohan but my ex girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

That was not Lidsay Lohan but my ex girlfriend.

earlcapps said...

I agree Moye. We need to take this country back ... to the bar.

But only so long as we can find someone else to pick up the tab.

Anonymous said...

Earl, Jim Rex is buying... NOT!

Anonymous said...

Out of care for your well-being, Angry Man, I have my advice:

- Watch what you say. Other political people you meet in Florence County may want to distance themselves from you. You may "win the battle" but "lose the war". You also say some off-topic, rambling things sometimes that's conduct unbecoming a politician in the true sense of the word (although I'm aware that there are not a lot of role models out there).

- People don't want to hear discussions about porn stars and people who used to tell you dirty jokes you can't repeat.

- In politics, negative is good, but throw in some positive just as hard when you blog. One way to do that is to think of something positive with children or their schools.

- Control the anger factor down to a scale of 3 or 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. I was beat by an alcoholic father when I was a kid, almost left for dead, and I understand you have an alcoholic, angry dad, yourself. However, I let go my rage in college and with heavy counseling. You'll want to control yours a lot more -- and even in your speeches we see this. And if you have an alcoholic dad, definitely lay off any kind of alcohol yourself, even casually. You need a leg to stand on if you want to confront your dad about his alcoholism.

- Don't stoop to apologizing all the time on air (TV, radio) and in front of crowds. Instead, just release short, brief statements to the press when asked and say them in such a way that the next day you won't be embarassed.

- Before you hit that Publish button, think, "Is this conduct becoming of a politician?" If you even sense it slightly, back away from the article and don't post it for two days. Think about it. Then, ask yourself again. If you think you want to post it, then do so. Otherwise, hold it back.

- Political candidates competing with you who throw mud, and bad articles against you in the press -- these are inevitables as a politician. Instead of being angry and bitter about it, consider taking the high road. Think, "What would a more seasoned politician do when this kind of mud is thrown at them? How could they put a positive spin on the situation and get the people to laugh and see things my way?"

Thoroughbred 401k said...

top post