Friday, October 20, 2006

How to Chase Al Sharpton From Your Town... Two Words - Tawana Brawley!

Without a doubt, this week's most ridiculous story is the one about Chris Rock's Mom getting dissed at the Cracker Barrel in Murrell's Inlet back in May. Not one to miss a photo op (legitimate or not), Rev. Al Sharpton was on hand to blow some hot air on the subject. Of course, if Al wasn't at an adjoining table, I'm not interested in his opinion.

Denny's used to be the place famous for ignoring minorities , but the new target seems to be Cracker(?) Barrel. There is one major flaw in this theory, and i'll get to it later. For those of you not familiar with the story, Chris Rock's mom went to the Barrel O' Crackers , and after getting a table, she was not served or given a menu for 30 minutes. The manager seemed to do his best to make it up to her , offering her the meal for free. Even though Mrs. Rock refused, a gift basket was sent to her later - indicating that she let them know who she was. Well, a mere 5 months later, Mrs. Rock made the long trek from Andrews to Murrell's Inlet to lay the smackdown on Cracker Barrel, with Rev. Al in tow.

If Al is trying to portray Cracker Barrel as a den of rednecks openly discriminating against African Americans, he's got a steep climb ahead. You see, Cracker Barrel discriminates against everyone, because EVERYONE waits at the Barrel!! Has anyone ever gotten into that place without waiting an hour an a half, wandering aimlessly through the Country Store, checking out twenty types of pecan logs. Getting your name called there to eat is like getting paroled or hitting the lottery. Those poor waitresses are serving a non-stop crowd of people who have waited an eternity to just sit, they're bound to miss someone. Mistakes happen. When I go to the doctor, and I get to the waiting room, I know I'm gonna be there a while. So what do I do? I take a nap. I think someone overreacted that day.

My one question is: Where is Chris during all this?? I can picture a 5 minute skit on this on HBO sometime soon. My real hope is that this goes away fast.


  1. Anonymous12:38 AM

    If a jury finds themselves in favor of Chris Rock's mother, they should all be lined up in front of a firing her for taking this type of action. I guess it would have been a different story if there was a Blacker Barrel!

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Mike, being Sunday, I'll offer a scripture lesson the blog brought up (puns intended).

    Al Sharpton continues to remind me of Proverbs 26:11. Not only his return to one issue, often as dubious as Tawana Brawley, but the willingness of the press to take up the dog's role, implicit in the verse.

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    This is more BS Craker Barrel does not discrimnate against race maybe the human race. Remember she is from Andrews.
