Friday, October 20, 2006

Tommy Moore's $500 Million Lie............

Oh wait, that's Bill Parcells... Must have mixed them up in my files. We are now in full swing for the TV ads. Some are good, some are iffy, and then there is The Big Tuna's big lie - $500 Million dollars worth.......

Last year, we exposed the hypocrisy of the supposed "Budget Cuts" to Medicare - where a 7.4% budget increase was described by Democrats as a cut. Now Tommy Moore is graspign at straws with his attack on Mark Sanford's record on education.

Education funding is alot like the half glass of water. Some focus on how much is there, and others focus on what isn't there - then blame others for it, when they themselves have more to do with it than the one they are blaming. Back in the 70's - when Tommy Moore first took his seat in the Senate, the Legislature decided to set a concrete level for the state to fund education at, one that is still used today. For about the first 25 years, the Legislature and Senate - of which Moore is a major cog of - ignored that level.

After realizing that poor education leads to an inability to recruit companies, thereby making unemployment higher, a poor quality of life and higher crime, South Carolina did something about it. Those who say that the State needed to reach that set mark established in the Days of Disco , Lava Lamps and neon Led Zeppelin posters. In three short years, we escaped the deficit trap that kept us from funding education "fully", and that was done with Mark Sanford as Governor. It might seem kinda hard to criticize a record like that, but Tommy Moore's twisted logic has found it..

Moore accuses Sanford of "cutting' the gap between the old benchmark and what was funded, even though funding increased every year, up to the point this year when the amount funded reached the mark for the FIRST TIME EVER ! Sorry Tuna, but when you spend more on something than the year before, it is not a cut.

Here's the funny part. When taking into consideration who has been in Columbia for how long, who is REALLY more responsible for the education cuts? Should we blame Sanford , who's been there three years, or Moore, who 's been there for 28 years!! Tommy, if it's gonna take you 28 years to solve any other problems in SC, I'll pass.


  1. The figures Moore throws around are speculative, as you point out.

    Moore has been recognized as one of the leading Democrats in the Senate, but we haven't seen much where's he's led at much of anything.

    Unless you could the ability to strong-arm his primary challenger, and engage in the most trivial and ludicrous spat of mudslinging since Theo Mitchell challenged Carroll Campbell back in 1990.

    Of course, there is the wonderful statement made by his key crime and law enforcement advocate, Jakie Knotts, who blustered that it was somehow wrong for the Governor to say that shooting unarmed civil rights protestors in the back was wrong.

    That's real leadership on civil rights for you.

    If you are willing to consider the above, you could argue that Moore's shown leadership. But it's not the kind of leadership this state needs.

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Earl, the figures Moore throws around bring Enron's Clintonista approved accounting methods, like the Whitewater Development.

    The same loose and free with the figures appear to stem from the left's intentional dumbing of America and the insistance that economics is rocket science, understood only by an elite and that as the elite, they shall condescendingly explain it to the untermensch.

  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I am with Earl on some of this. Tommy Moore has been slinging the mud. Lies like a 500 Million dollar take from Education. Wish Sanford had but he has spent more on a wasteful education system. Then there is the Republicans for Tommy Moore. In Clarendon I heard they had people sign a sheet at there rally that read Republications for Tommy Moore. They ain't could spellers in Clarendon. The democrats as long as they can scare old people and keep poor people lining up for a check they will always have someone on there side. Spratt is as bad.

  4. Just an observation.. can Tommy Moore please pronounce "school" with an L on the end? Reminds me of Clyburn talking about "Breffest" with his brothers.

  5. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I like Breffest myself.

  6. Imagine if Clyburn and Tommy Moore had a kid.... " I ate my breffest before I went to skoo !" And we wonder why our schools lag behind.

  7. Anonymous12:21 AM

    I give up
