Having donated my share of money to politicians, I get a lot of requests from various groups. Most of them have the common sense to know that I'm a staunch Republican, so imagine my shock and shame to see that I got a letter in my PO Box from none other than the Pride of Plains, Georgia - Jimmy Carter !
I like Habitat for Humanity, so I've never given Carter too much grief... Now Carter has a group called The Carter Center. From the brochure they sent, it has a wide net with the aim being "Can't We All Get Along?".. From what I read, they are such a pacifist group that they make the Gang of 14 look like hardliners.
Sure, negotiations can resolve a lot of the world's conflicts, but Jimmy Carter has such a reputation of backbending for the sake of peace, that I think he bends over forward, rather than backwards. Who would be afraid of a group led by Jimmy Carter? Groups negotiate with Carter to reach an accord, then break it when someone's guard is down. Sounds like something I want to give my hard earned cash to - let's negotiate with Al-Qaida, give up Iraq, Indonesia and Sudan, then act surprised when they try to blow us up again....
Thanks, Mr. President Carter....... but no thanks!
Let me see, that's the same Jimmy that gave the Southern Baptist Convention the finger and chose to go with a more liberal self proclaimed baptist church...
ReplyDeleteThe same Jimmy Carter that has with (owing to Clinton's incompetence)and without sanction insinuated himself into foreign policy, that can find no brutal dictatorship that he can find fault with...
The graceless ex-pres that history will rank among the worst, is still trying to craft a legacy that doesn't reflect an administration that was probalby as corrupt as Clinton's and only slightly more corrupt than Nixon's continues to be painted as.
The governor of Georgia that allowed himself to be portrayed as a nuclear scientist, though Rebekah Sutherland has a better claim to the title. The Carter that set us up for the existing nuclear waste satndoff with Nevada...
Get the feeling I don't particularly have warm fuzzy feelings about Billy's brother?
I have been to Plains and as far as I am concerned the guy is a jerk. He gave the Canal Zone away and did nothing for the hostage situation in Iran. Drove the gas prices up. Inflation and interest rates were at a all time high and he was ashamed of his family. Maybe it was the Billy Beer.
ReplyDeleteThe Carter Center is part of Emory University in Atlanta and has been around for at least a decade. They do a lot of election monitoring work around the world.
ReplyDeleteCharlie I know where the Carter Center is as I spend quite a few days a month in Atlanta. I was just refering that I have been to his home town of Plains in Sumter county GA. Seen the church he grew up in and the rest of the hamlet. Carter should just stay there and let the world take care of itself.
ReplyDeletesutherland more qualified at something than a major politician? i never thought i'd hear myself saying this ... but you're right LOL
ReplyDeletecarter has worked hard on a number of issues, all of them far removed from his administration, and for good reason. his administration accomplished nothing worth noting.