Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wilbur !!!! FITS Calls It Quits......

SC Blogging was dealt a bit of a blow when Will Folks blog, Faith in the Sound, announced that they were closing shop. Hopefully, Will's gotten a spot in Columbia that doesn't allow him the time to blog anymore.

I liked reading FITS, even though I never got a good mention from him in print. Will did do me a lot of favors when he was on Mark Sanford's staff, and that's what really matters. Will's blog was funny, politically smart, and he worked hard on it. I'll miss the stiletto mafia, and all the other figments of Will's imagination. I'll also miss names like 'Egg-Tooth" and "The Mayor of Importantville".

Hasta, Will ! See you on the road...


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Another one bites the dust.

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Which reminds me, has anything new shown up on Laurinline in the past 14 days?

  3. but rest assured, ya'll haven't seen the last of me.

    but i'm sure clyburn is hoping ya'll follow their lead and fade away. but i'm betting he'll be disappointed and should't get his hopes up too much for this to happen.
