Friday, November 10, 2006

Nancy Pelosi Makes First Prediction for America...........

"America, You're doomed....... You're ALL DOOMED!!!!!!"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosigeist II.

Personally, I don't like her new , shorter hairstyle. Too dikey.

Okay, the Dems got their wish - they run the House and Senate. If they learn from the GOP's mistakes (Pork and Waste), it could be a long trip back. I don't think it'll work out that way. Dem or GOP, Congress loves the Other White Meat with a passion. Since I have no choice anyway, this may be a good thing for '08. If the Dems blow it, then they will lose everyting back in '08. Be careful what you ask for.....


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Got to admit she is a attractive Grandmother just not my type. I really believe that when she, Clyburn, Spratt, others have their say you will see us take back congress in the next election. Maybe their take over will hurt Hillary nation wide. Maybe their take over will cause the GOP, Conservative, Christians and moderates to get out and vote.

  2. The Democrats have no unifying message or themes to rally around. In fact, it was easier for them to be the "I'm against them" opposition than to have to govern without a message or a clue.

    Nancy will be like the poor soul being drawn and quartered by two horses (or donkeys). Her left will be pulling to lynch Bush and undo his agenda, or at least wanting to. Her right will be defying party discipline to vote with the GOP minority on key votes.

    Now she has to make these people work towards goals and get things done. It will be interesting to see how far that goes, or it dissolves into total warfare.

    If they go into meltdown, then the GOP only needs to mend its ways to be restored to power in 2008. The close margins of victory in many races suggest the voters wanted to punish the GOP, but not get rid of them.

    Two years will tell a lot ...

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Ditto Earl. In '08 tehre should be less complacency, riding on the back of a Presidential race, though after 2000, McCain, currently being painted by the press as the front runner, hardly inspires me to think of him as a conservative, based on his posturing and being reactive vice proactive in his 2000 bid.

    If he'd run Alan Keyes would be ideal (IMHO).

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM

    WR I actually like Alan Keyes but he is a loser in politics. I helped him in Chicago a few years back when he attempted a run in Illinois it was a disaster for sure. I ain't no McCain man but I want to win.
