Friday, November 10, 2006
Race and Politics Have a Long Way to Go in Florence....
So, what happened Tuesday? I haven't picked up the totals from the Election Commission office yet, but here's what I can tell from watching the results come in...
I did pretty good in the districts that I needed, but not the 85-90% I needed. Meanwhile, the other districts that are black majority went almost exclusively for my opponent. In short, all the whites voted for me, and all the blacks went the other way. In a 60-40 black district, it was 59-41, so I would first like to thank the 30 or so people that viewed this race by more than our skin pigment.
It's pretty sad that in this day and age, people still vote this way. Another problem was voter apathy. After 16 years of no Republicans running for this seat, you would think that more than 30 or 40% would show up and vote. Okay, it's official.... People in District 3 are not allowed to complain anymore - you had your chance, and you blew it.
The last one was actually a bit funny to me. The absentee ballots came in, and the close 400 vote race more than doubled to a 900 vote romp. I'll tell you one thing: there are a lot of invalids and dead people who voted this past Tuesday. Ever see 23% of a candidate's total votes come from absentees before? Me neither, but I lost anyway, and not only because of this, so why complain?
I've spent the past 3 years pounding my head against a wall to change things , but it has been an abject failure. I haven't cracked that nut one bit, and I've only exposed myself to slander and criticism. I'm more concerned with enjoying life now than building a political career. In short, I am done with running for office for the forseeable future. I got a lot of help financially this time, so it's not about the money I spent. I am just really tired, and I have nothing to show for it. It's time to work from behind the scenes and let them take the heat.
The good part is that SC6 will get pretty good now. Less concern about not getting people mad will make it more fun, and more real. Enjoy!
Mike you know the absentee vote anywhere in this district is for the Democrats. Look at Clarendon for example. They had van loads of people from the nursing homes and other places that could not come in the court house voting in the parking lot absentee before the election and really not knowing who they were voting for. The Democrats should be proud the sicko's. Sorry you lost because I know you and I know you are a good person. You pick bad races for sure but are there any good races. I hope one day you will run again for something and win. I also hate that in this day and age the color of your skin counts more in some places than what a person is all about. The Democrats have slandered us Republicans in the south for years about being race leaning and yet the Democrats are the ones that are really the racist. They rely on the heavy black vote to keep them in power and have nothing to offer the common people of the black race the ones that really count that really want a decent life just to please the elite. What a farce. If I was a black person I would be almost tempted to start my own party. I certainly would not be happy with what little the Democrats actually lets them have in the political world. I have worked very hard to attract people of other races to join the GOP and at times I have felt that I was beating my head against a wall. As long as we have districts from the county level to the state that are set up for mainly Republican or Democrats or mainly set up on racial lines then we are always going to be looking at race as a issue. I do not know the answer but I pray one day we will all look at each other as a man and not as a white or black man or some other kind of man.