Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Bush Incensed by Pelosi Trip to Syria... President Cancels Her Visa, Sends Her Plane Straight to Iraq.

Is This House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, or a Syrian Homeless Woman??
President George Bush, furious over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trip to Israel and Syria, has taken serious action against the Democrat leader. Apparently, he has gone beyond political gamesmanship over the Iraq Funding Bill, and gone straight to pulling inane rules from the Constitution to make Pelosi's life as uncomfortable as possible.
Sounding a lot like Dean Vernon Wormer from National Lampoon's Animal House, Bush defended his actions, which include forcing her flight straight to the Green Zone in Iraq, and making her wear a Birkha. " There is a little known codicile in the US Constitution, which gives the President unlimited power in times of National Emergency. It's time someone put their foot down, and that foot is me." Pelosi was unavailable for comment, as she is taking a "special tour" of the new Abu Ghraib Prison for the next few weeks.
A check at the State Department revealed that Pelosi's Visa has been canceled, and her flight redirected to Iraq, where she will take part in a sweep and clear mission with the 82nd Airborne. After that, the Speaker will be forced to drive in a supply caravan from Baghdad to Basra, then she can come home and decide if holding up the funding is a worthwhile endeavor.
And what do her hosts in Syria think? "Who cares? Assad is ripping her and America to shreds, and all she's doing is sitting there and SMILING AT HIM !! Someone should tell her to get a clue. Negotiation.... Yeah, right!" said a source close to the Syrian leader. "Pelosi is like a moped.. It's OK having her around - until your friends see you with her."


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    While Bush was at the White House talking about all this my youngest sister that you know the teacher in Moncks Corner who lives down the street from us here in gtown got her picture taken with him. She has a friend who works in the White House and happened to be in DC this week. All the luck I was in Florida. Now Pelosi sucks.

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Pelosi knows what she thinks she's doing, I suspect that some of the Dems she stepped on, on her climbing to the top may be ready to show here the same loyalty that the House GOP caucus has shown a number of its own speakers...

    When even Pravda on the Potomac, the Washington Bleep (listening to Liddy right now) duns gauleiter Pelosi, her support is ebbing... dare we wonder if we will have Speaker Jim?
