Tuesday, April 03, 2007

SC6 Health News....Mike Runs Out of OJ, Finally Gets Sick..

"You Will Respect My Aller-Gies!!"

Forgive me for taking the day off.. I ran out of my secret weapon against illness - orange juice - last Friday. After 4 days without it, the allergy bug attacking everyone finally got me. Either that or spending two straight days with the Leise's in the Sick House. You finally got me , dammit!

The OJ coffers have been refilled, and I should be back to normal tomorrow....If I ever am normal.


  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    how dare you try to escape my germs!

  2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Get well soon.

  3. Anonymous4:41 PM

    The post from Chef Rhino is great.
