Friday, April 20, 2007

McCain Tells to "Lighten Up and Get a Life !" BRAVO !!

I love this pic of McCain ! I had a friend in my home town who made the same face whenever he was on a 3 Day coke binge.... I wonder where he is....
Anyway, kudos to the Senator from Arizona for telling those pinko fruitcakes at MoveOn to find something better to do. Granted, Sen. McCain's joke about bombing Iran is a bit old - I knew the 'Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran' joke when I was in the 6th grade. However, that was how the question was posed to him, and he isn't some stuffy suit. I didn't realize that no sense of humor was a prerequisite of being President. If that's the case, we'll weed out this field fast.
So, go ahead MoveOn - blow a few million trying to hurt McCain by taking the side of Iran - that's a popular move. In fact, spend all of your millions on it....... It's what Democrats do best.


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Was just reading about this on the liberal MSNBC

  2. It's time for to move on, and find something better to spend their cash on.

  3. should have no credibility with anyone. We need to spread the word about the racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Catholic hate speech that MoveOn's people were exchanging on their now-disgraced Action Forum, and also the anti-Catholic hate cartoon (a derogatory picture of Pope Benedict) that MoveOn itself published in 2005. Why this organization still has any credibility whatsoever is beyond me.

    Google on "" and "Jew Lieberman" (that's "Jew" used as an epithet, not "Joe") and you will see what I mean. Googling "Catholic Pedophiles of America" also might be instructive; that's also courtesy of MoveOn's people.

    Al Sharpton, the Black counterpart of Tom Metzger or David Duke (Aryan Nations and Klan respectively), is even worse.

  4. Anonymous12:58 PM

    One would think that SnivelOn wanted McCain to win the nomination...

  5. Grrrr ... I pity the fool, I pity the fool ....
