Friday, April 20, 2007

NRA Starts New Ad Campaign To Combat Virginia Tech Backlash....

Guns Don't Kill People, This Kitten Kills People............
Maybe Lee Harvey Oswald really WAS a patsy... What next, a Sniper Squirrel in the Grassy Knoll? By the way, the kitten's name??? Puss 'n Shoots.


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Great picture makes me feel good.

  2. I found the kitten at the Gun & Knife Show..... He was checking out a 10-gauge at one of the exhibits, and we just started chatting.. He's pretty good too. He's a Certified Junior Marksman - not bad for 6 weeks old, eh ?

  3. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Did you go to the gun show.
