Wednesday, May 23, 2007

British Study Shows That Finger Length Can Determine Your....... SAT Score ?????

By Any Standard, This Guy Doesn't Have Much of Anything......

Okay, it's the finger of a 7-year old! Yep, you can tell more than just the size of your shmekle by you finger size. According to Bath University in England (as usual), the size of your ring finger in relation to your index finger is a good determinant of how you will do on your SAT's.

The study says that those with a larger ring finger do better in Math than Verbal, and those with a longer index finger do better on Verbal than Math - no kidding! It seems that an enzyme in the brain that learns motors function and deductive reasoning also makes your ring finger longer. Stop laughing, I don't make this stuff up, I just report it.

To confirm this theory, my ring finger is longer, and I had a 510 Verbal and 640 Math back in the Cro-Magnon days of the SAT. Need disproof ??

Here is Babu'..... Big Index finger, but his English is VERY BAD MAN...... VERY BAD !!!!!


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Mike, I think they're just pulling your finger.

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    The finger by your thumb is that your sugar finger right.

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    i used my middle finger on my SAT test.
