Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Cousin Goes to Iraq, and DC Still Plays Politics With His Funding....

"To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles." - Anonymous (not Anon. Blog poster).

I got word that my cousin Christopher has completed Ranger training in Georgia, and he is on his way to Iraq as we speak. Chris is 20, and he's doing exactly what he wants to. He volunteered, not like in WWII, when my Dad and all my uncles got drafted - and one didn't come home. Ironically, Uncle Pete was almost the same age as Chris when he died. When we talk about the upsurge in troops in Iraq, we don't put a human face with it..... Chris is that face.

Perhaps it's because of Chris, that I get a little sick of the BS in Washington going on with the War Funding bill the past couple months. Is it any surprise to you that they finally are getting to finishing this mess on Memorial Day? It isn't to me.

If there's one thing politicians love, it's good timing. What better way to go home for the holiday, plant a few flags, and say "I helped the troops this week. I care." That's a big, steaming pile right there, folks. The fact is Congress could have done this months ago,but they put it off to discuss this bogus Immigration Bill, and to take time out to go on a witch hunt for Alberto Gonzales and Karl Rove. How is that going anyway???

Oh, I did forget one other part - the $20 Billion in pork the Dems extracted to get this passed. I hope the peanut farmers and paying kids at McDonalds an extra dollar an hour keeps America safe .

Rest Easy, America !



  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Mike, one aside, have you added him to Presidential Prayer Team's adopt-a-troop prayer list?

  2. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I hope we all pray for our troops.

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Moye, not just for our troops but for anyone that goes into harm's way in service to God and country.

    Presidential Prayer Team's Adopt-A-Troop site is a model that I'd like to see cloned for Police, Fire and EMS; not just in time of crisis (which for these adrenaline junkies sometimes is 24/7), but for the quiet hours between the moments of sheer terror. PPT, within the bounds of some opsec, allows one to list a Marine, Sailor, Soldier, Coast Guardsman or Airman for prayer and to add updates on deployment and preyer needs. It is one use of the web that seems to honor God.

  4. Anonymous10:31 PM


    Sorry that your cousin has to go, but if it was what he wanted to it God's will.

    I find solace in this song for so many reasons. It is profound in my life because it tells a different story for everyone who reads the lyrics or listen to it. Keep in mind it was written and sung by the Grateful dead:

    In another times forgotten space
    Your eyes looked from your mothers face
    Wallflower seed on the sand and stone
    May the four winds blow you safely home.

    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew

    Ill tell you where the four winds dwell
    In franklins tower there hangs a bell
    It can ring, turn night to day
    It can ring like fire when you loose your way.

    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew

    God save the child that rings that bell
    It may have one good ring, baby, you cant tell
    One watch by night, one watch by day
    If you get confused listen to the music play.


    Some come to laugh their past away
    Some come to make it just one more day
    Whichever way your pleasure tends
    If you plant ice youre gonna harvest the wind.

    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew

    In franklins tower the four winds sleep
    Like four lean hounds the lighthouse keep
    Wildflower seed on the sand and wind
    May the four winds blow you home again.

    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Youd better roll away the dew

    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Roll away the dew
    Youd better roll away the dew - roll away

  5. Anonymous1:16 PM

    You are so right West_Rhino

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Geez Mikey, you put so much meat in this post I missed the real coffin nail that an economist would recognize as another stake in the punji pit of inflation, the minimum wage hike.

    Subject for another post, the fact that it isn't rocket science that this punishes the minority that has bothered to save money by making it worth less and worth less until it is worthless. Couple that with the amnesty bill for illegals, that will suddenly mean that you've got to give that crew that "no hablo ingles" a raise to minimum wage or eat a different style manure sandwich from the Department of Labor and one finds creedence in a former Congressman, now Governor's comparison of the current US to Rome in its decline. Will we have a praetorian guard of Texicanos?

  7. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Just read the San Juan Star here in Puerto Rico and it is full of the people here on this Island honoring their fallen soldiers int the US Military. Maybe we should make Mexico a Commonwealth also.

  8. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Moye, another US President felt that it was the mainfest destiny to control the Western Hemisphere... why not add the Commonwealth of Mexico to the list of Commonwealths, like Virginia... a bunch of congresscritters, two (and only two) senators, if they elect to move up to statehood.

    I seem to recall that they also have a security issue on their southern border.

  9. Uh..... What's a Punji Pit? Is that like a bad motel owned by an Indian? Or is that Patel pit?

  10. Anonymous11:51 PM

