Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Parting Poem of My Trip - I Will Think of Odessa...

Here's one last pic of Valentina for you.....
Whenever I can't find ice anywhere, I will think of Odessa.
Whenever I have water that tastes like a fart, or a drink that is like a bad Coke, i will thi nk of Odessa.
Whenever I can't find a lime for my Gin & Tonic, I will think of Odessa.
Whenever I drink straight lemon juice under the name "Lemon Fresh", I will think of Odessa.
Whenever I pay to use the Internet, I will think of Odessa.
Whenever a hotel is staffed with six hot staff girls, i will think of Odessa.
Whenever I pay $10 for a 5 course meal with tip, I will think of Odessa.
Whenever all the passengers applaud the plane landing successfully, i will think of Odessa.
Whenever I see a million girls dressed like mid-80's prostitutes, I will think of Odessa.
Whenever I can't understand a single thing anyone is saying, I will think of Odessa.
Whenever I smell fish from my hotel room, I will think of Odessa.
Whenever I go on a white-knuckle ride, clutching the dash panel for my life............Well, I'll still think of Bobby!
Is this Haiku? Prose? Limerick?


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    i'm glad i have had such an impact on your life!

  2. Anonymous9:41 PM

    You go to Costa Rica with me and I will have a impact on your life.

  3. Mike, I will have no impact on your life whatsoever. I promise.

  4. well it's not haiku - that's 5-7-5 syllabic... something like

    water tastes like fart
    girls look like eighties hookers
    Odessa calls me

    ...and Limericks have a 5-line quality...

    I once found myself in odessa
    finding limes for my tonic and gin
    when along came valentina
    who became my ballerina
    and now I'm dreaming in Russian

    (OK, that was awful, but you get the picture).

    So... I vote that it's prose.

    Fun stuff...

  5. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Earl I know this female in Clarendon that wants to have a impact on your life.

  6. Moye - I doubt it's anyone I know, but I'm afraid to ask.

    Josh - that was hideous. If you attempt any more poetry, I'll shoot you.

  7. Earl - I used to work for a large Telecom. After they rolled out a new (HORRIBLE) billing system, I wrote 52 verses of haiku against "the system", one for every week of the year... actually had a friend publish them on the company intranet (much to the consernation of management...)

    CLEARLY, I'm out of practice... (still better than Vogon poetry, though...)

  8. Joshua Gross, fighting "the system" ... well, I never knew you were such an anti-establishment type.

    Keep this up, and you'll be a long-haired head-banging type, just like ... well, me.

  9. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Josh, it does approach that of Uhled Kaluffi, whose ears and brain strangled him...

    Leave the poetry to Paul at the Shadow of Diogenes blog.

    OTOH, if you had a flat top, you do bear a strange resemblence to the guy in the cubicle

  10. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Joshua that is why you used to work for a Telecom.

  11. ... and what's wrong with hot chicks dressed like it's the mid-1980s? that is, except for the prices?

  12. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Hot Chicks dressed like any decade is ok with me or not dressed at all.

  13. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Tis prose,
    just beyond the tip of your nose.

    Now for mid-80's hos,
    not nappy headed, tha's how it goes.

    I'll leave the (c)rap for Ty to spew

  14. C'mon, Earl. Leggings? Neon? Those fat belts w/ the big buckles??

  15. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Sounds like Texas to me. Leggings and belts with buckles.
