Okay.... I see Michael Reese is still going on the offensive at Kris Crawford - and it is getting a bit offensive. I don't know what started this whole episode against him. Watching the whole Sanford/Leatherman battle has been interesting, with FITS moreso in the Sanford camp, and now it appears Reese is in the Leatherman camp.
The one part I don't get is where did Reese get the idea that Crawford was interested in running against Leatherman? At least right now. He may be cozy with Sanford, but Kris is no dummy. And Kris is rich?? Hardly. I know Crawford's neighborhood, and I've even chatted with his parents at length, and they are pretty ordinary people, and Kris is in a solid middle class area.
I won't go in great length to assure you that Crawford isn't taking on Leatherman next year, but let's say this....... if you go way, way back to my posts in Spring 2006, I said then that the Seat 63 race was a contest to see who would replace Leatherman when he retires. Crawford beat Bubby Floyd and Steve Calcutt, and the seat will be his. Maybe Sanford would like to talk Kris into it, but time is on Crawford's side, so he'll wait it out.
Will anyone have the guts to take on Leatherman? I doubt it. Maybe some businessman in Florence will try, but it's doubtful. Most Republicans here turn a blind eye to Leatherman's spending, tax hikes, and his conflicts of interest along the way.
Lastly, Kris does not look like Bill Self - here is his twin......

First of all I like Kris. He and his parents are good people actually I only know his Dad but anyway. Senator Leatherman will be elected at least for the forseeable future and probably will not get a GOP challenge unless he decides to switch back to the party he really belongs with. Then someone would challenge the dude. Florence is in love with him. He can do no wrong in their eyes. In fact let me quit picking on Florence. There are some good GOP people there just not enough of them. Mike you are a officer now in the local party so get them out of the closet if you can. You know how bad I am catching it in my area.
ReplyDeleteAs a supporter and friend of Kris', I found the personal attacks from Mikey Reese completely out of bounds.
ReplyDeleteThen again, I suppose we should be used to Mikey's inanities by now - it's been clear for at least a year to anyone who has read his stuff that his grip on reality is... severely fractured.
Reino - good job on this post and great seeing you at Silver Elephant the other night. Get some REST!!
Reese would not know reality if it hit him in the face. Neither does his Dad either.
ReplyDeletei don't know why he wrote what he did, but come on guys, let's not make it so personal.
ReplyDeleteYou know Earl you are right I should had just called him a jerk not his family forgive me man.
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming to the rescue in this comment section and making some sense (and being cordial).
Boo Hoo! I made personal attacks on Kris Krawford! ha Thats all you guys ever do to democrats and aka "rino's." It sounds like to me that your grip on reality is broken and face the fact that Crawford has been the one running his mouth around the Statehouse saying that he will defeat Leatherman. I've never even met Crawford, I didn't even know who he was till I was given this information. What do you think I did, wake up on the left side of the bed one morning and just decided to blog about some no name House member from Florence?
I will say a prayer for you tonight and ask for you to be forgiven for your thoughtless remark.
Reese also takes up for Dick Elliott who is the least respected guy in the Senate, and a liberal Demo at that. He is running again and will get creamed by the newcomers in Horry who vote GOP.Look out for former Rep. Worley or current Rep. Edge to beat him.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all your prayers Politics Rocks.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous 3:41 PM. You reckon the Jenrette lady will run against him in Horry.
ReplyDeleteAn open question for everyone: What is your opinion of Sen Dick Elliott>
ReplyDeleteHe is what his names say's Dick.
ReplyDeleteFor my knowledge of Dick Elliott, please refer to my post of Feb. 22, 2007.......... Anyone who can't change thier own tire doesn't get my support !!
ReplyDeleteI'll back up Michael a little here, based on his comments. if Kris is talking smack in Columbia, he should temper his optimism. Hugh has Florence by the short hairs until he quits, and Kris would be better off waiting it out. This is Flotown, and Kris is an outsider. The Old School knows he is from Indiana, and as I can attest, if you ain't born here, you never become a Florentine.
ReplyDeleteYou mean there are natives in Flotown.