Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Get Your Filthy Hands Off Me !! High Fives, Touching and Hugging Banned at Va. High School...

Does Anyone Remember This Last Year ???

Anyway, a High School in Vienna, Virginia has banned it's students from having any kind of physical contact , ranging from kissing, hugging to the old High Five. Apparently, the making out at the school with the students was getting a bit out of hand. So, like any school dimwit, they went overboard.

What exactly were these idiots thinking? Are they germophobes? Been a while since they had a date? Hey, I've had major dry spells myself, but I don't take it out on everyone else - at least not in that manner.

Maybe this is their Principal...............

"Any of you Homos touch me.... and I'll Kill 'Ya !!"


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Just heard this on FOX in Houston. It is hot in Texas.

  2. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Well, there go group gropes, er hugs...

    Tag is verboten on the playground, ditto patty-cake. Baseball, softball and flag fooball, nevermind regular football, wrestling and boxing. Hmmm this hath the ring of Title IX discrimination against boys and the continuing attempt to turn them into a bunch of flaming fruit reminiscent of "Tiberian minnows".

    More dumbing down at play.

    Is it still okay to park your pick up on campus with a 12 ga in the rack in the back window during deer season?

  3. That's nuts. Worse than the little boy (5 or 6 yr-old) that got suspended for kissing a little girl on the cheek. My daughter (in Kindergarten) got kissed on the cheek twice by a little boy who also professes to love her and plans to marry her, but we didn't make a federal case out of it.

    What's wrong with a no PDA policy? I think most schools manage to make do with those.

  4. what's wrong with little boys kissing and making plans? i hear they're much in demand in neverland? ;)

  5. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Chris Alexander went to high school in Vienna...maybe we should blame him for this.

  6. Chris is to blame for a lot of things...
