Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dear Mayor Bloomberg..... A Politician Without a Party Is a Man Without Friends.

Mayor H. Ross Bloomberg holds a small child, while watching his political future blow away............
And I thought businesspeople were supposed to be smart. Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York, who basically took a city rolling on all cylinders and hasn't wrecked it, has decided that he doesn't need to be in either party. Maybe Brad Warthen thinks this is a stroke of genius, but I'd advise otherwise....
Sure, if the man wants to be President, he has the money to pay for the commercials, but even he should know that it takes a lot more than cash to win any election, especially a National one. It takes teamwork, a dedicated staff - all of whom are on the same page. Most important, they have to be motivated. Does anyone think that people who essentially think that both the Democrat and Republican parties suck are motivated??
Most people are extremely ambivalent about politics, so if Bloomberg wants to court the kook fringe in the attempt to look centrist, more power to him. Ask Ross Perot how that worked out.... Maybe Admiral Stockdale can run as his Veep. Wait , he's dead. Nevermind.
I've said thi a million times, and I'll say it again. The two party system works. If you aren't happy with how your party views issues, don't quit it.... Work to change some minds and change your party's platform. Yet just because a guy has money, he thinks he can hopskotch parties when the wind blows in another direction (Hugh?). They forget that people aren't quite that stupid, and we can smell a BS politician when he's in the room. It tough enough to beat one of the parties..... Run against both of them, and you've had it.


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Mr. Ross caused Mr. Bush to lose a election and the New Mayor could cause a Obama or Clinton to win. Maybe not maybe so.

  2. Time will tell. The Fox panel had a very good discussion on Bloomie's motivation, and who would get hurt. If Rudy get the nomination, Bloomie sits it out. If it's a far-right vs. far-left, then he's in - and we have the worst election EVER......

  3. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hmmm Admiral Stockdale was the choice part of Ross' ticket, a VP candidate more qualified than the head of the ticket, c'est la vie; though that is also how the 2000 Dem ticket stacked up

  4. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Suspecting that, if he had Presidential ambitions, Bloomberg might be conceding the Libertarian nod to Ron Paul, that might explain his not leaping to the Libertarian banner.

    Aside from that, Michael Bloomberg has been a political pragmatist, when flipped off by the NY Dems when making noises about running for mayor, going RINO bought a nomination with a party's organization to carry the bid to election.

    I think he recognizes that, at best, presidentially, he's only a spoiler.

    Quo Vadis Mayor Bloomberg?
