Friday, June 22, 2007

More Useless Info: Norwegian Study Says First Born Babies are Smartest... What About the 5th ?? That Bad??!!

"I'll Take Whoopi Goldberg to Block, Peter!!"
Ok, guess which one is the stupid kid.... If you said the one who came up with this goofy study, YOU'RE RIGHT !! If you think the Math ability in relation to the relative size of the Index finger survey was nuts, get ready for another......
The country that gave you IKEA furniture and Black Death Metal now adds another prize to it's mantle. A groundbreaking Norgwegian survey has concluded that first born babies are relatively smarter than their succeeding siblings. As the youngest of five kids, I can unequivocably say this is BS !!
Well, maybe it's true. The study doesn't cite any real reasons, except for saying that "the attempt to raise the first child properly are much higher than succeeding children." Now that I can believe. My dad was 44 when I was born - trust me, by the time I came around, Pops was as excited about raising me as having a Prostate Exam. Thank God for Sesame Street, Schoolhouse Rock and The Electric Company. If not for them, I still might be able to read or add........
Now, does this mean that my oldest sibling is the smartest? I'll say this: he sure THINKS he's smarter ! :) Time for everyone to share.... Youngest? Oldest? In the Middle? Smartest? Dumbest? In the Middle? Post your story.............


  1. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Hey lil bro...I wasn't the smartest eldest, not the rebellious middle, nor your typical spoiled youngest (doesn't apply to you)....but at 4th in line maybe I could claim the lesser intellegent but most creative? lol.
    Really enjoying the blogs. Started my own, but not as intellectual as yours, but working on it.
    gotta get back to watching the godfather for the 75th time on tv.

  2. Intellectual?? Tell that to the other blogs! Yep, my sis is pretty artistic - painting, photography, dancing, singing, acting. I forget anything???

    Hey Mafalda......Who had Frank Pentangeli killed????

  3. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Clyburn did

  4. Moye, where do you fit in the Graham clan? There's plenty of 'em !

  5. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Actually number 4 out of 7 and the oldest may be the smartest then again. Now my twins Sumter was first out and he has two degrees from two colleges but so has Alexandra and her two came from Clemson and MUSC two good ones. Now Sumter he has a degree from Tech and Carolina not the one in Columbia two not so good ones. Of course he does have a Banking degree from Atlanta but she has a medical degree from Charleston. He has a Business degree from Carolina but she has a Education degree from Clemson. Do not want to pick the smartest but the girl got a full scholarship to Clemson and was the top graduate in her High School class. Sumter finally finished college at 32 years of age and he graduated near last in his High School class. He also skipped a grade in Junior High again it is hard to tell by education but the boy does not have a leg up on the girl. She smoked him in grades. He also went to school from 4 or 5 years old so he actually was in a class room for most of 28 years while she was in one for 21 years. He also attended summer school from the seventh to his junior year in high school. He had to. She did not. I read the article on MSN.

  6. Maybe it's my baby of five subpar brain, but you've got me dizzy on that one !!

    Your kids have a slew of degrees, that's for sure.

  7. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Sorry for the delayed reply..didn't know you were a daily blogger.
    Answer: Frank Rosato (played by Danny Aiello, who also did a award winning role in Madonna's video "Papa Don't preach".)was given orders by Michael Corleone to rub him out in the neighborhood bar by way of piano wire, which he did not succeed due to the NYPD making a routine check out at the bar.

  8. I was just kidding.. That's the question that started Hyman Roth's speech. it was Rosato, but he got the order from Roth.

  9. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Mike dizzy I doubt it. Maybe Earl.

  10. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Mike, these Norsk gave us lutefisk, that fish jello that makes gefilte fish look appetizing.

    Lefsas, though are a lot like latkes, though I don't know that they go for the applesauce with them... maybe jellied eels.

    Of course Mike, if math ability has to do with the fingers, the 5 + 5 = 11 has to do with pockets.
