Thursday, June 21, 2007

If Seven Out of Eight People Thought You Did a Bad Job, You'd Get Fired.. But That's Just Another Day in Congress..

Latest Gallup Poll Gives Congress a 14% Approval Rating......
Hey Jim, you reading this?? Jim? JIM !!!!!! When the most respected pollster takes a survey on how people are viewed, and you come up with a 14% rating, you are doing something wrong........... Something wrong? Hell, you have to do almost EVERYTHING wrong !!
Let's talk about Iraq for a minute. Congress thinks they have their finger on the pulse of what the people want. How does the military's rating compare to Congress? Well, it's bit higher - about 50 points higher. So the group that the people hate wants to tell the group that people respect what to do. That's Washington in a nutshell folks!
Sure , I could sit here on my high horse, right? What do I know about Customer Satisfaction? Uh, about everything after 10 years of being judged on a daily basis. By the way, my CSI for the year is 95.6% - and those are BMW people.
What can Congress do to get those scores up. Simply, do the exact opposite of every urge they have currently. It's like Seinfeld, when George did the opposite, and he got the job and the girl. "If every decision you've made is wrong, the opposite would have to be correct." Can you do that Jim? Jim, are you listening?? JIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMM !!!!!!!!


  1. Mike, I jst don't think you understand.

    You see, Jim Clyburn has a record of delivering results for the people of his district. He is listening to the people, he is in touch with the people, and he cares about their needs.

    Truly, he is a man for the people, so since he is an honorable man who wouldn't lie, your polls MUST be wrong. They must be propaganda intended to deceive you and turn your eyes from the greatness that he is.

    The pollsters don't know the people any better than Jim Clyburn, a true man of the people, does. If more people understood this, we wouldn't have the problems we have today.

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Somebody needs to cut Earl off. You listening Jim.

  3. Earl, have you been deprogrammed by Jim Clyburn, or Jim Jones ??

  4. not sure, but man oh man, this kool aid sure hits the spot.
