Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is Anyone Else Looking Forward to Sheehan-Pelosi In 2008?

Sheehan Shows off Her Favorite T-Shirt....... Stolen From Pelosi ?????
I for one would love to see the upcoming Cindy Sheehan - Nancy Pelosi battle next year. Not since 2004, when a young guy with no money and less political experience, decided to take on a kook Republican/Constitutionalist using the laughable term '(Con)Fusion Candidate'.
In the same silly vein, but from the opposite end, we have Pelosi/Sheehan - a competition between two candidates to see who can be further to the left. How do you gauge who is more Liberal? Who gets out of Iraq faster? Who gives more to Illegals and Convicts? Sending the entire Bush Administration to jail?
My suggestion is to wire both of these nutjobs for the next year, because the two of them will leave a trail of sound bites that will have to be heard to be believed. Ladies........ startup your engines !!!!


  1. A match-up like this might give a Republican an opportunity to squeeze out a first place finish and take the seat.

    All we've gotta do is sent one check to Sheehan and one to the GOP candidate, and put Pelosi in a squeeze ... :)

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    That Pelosi chick is one hot grandma. So I have been told up here in Kankakee, IL.

  3. Kankakee Rocks !! Uh, wherever that is...

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Why do I have a vision of someone callin the SPCA about two cats hanging from the clothes line by their tails which are tied together?

    I've no doubt that the freepers will be on the campaign trail with this pair looking for the sound bites and video clip opportunities.

  5. Anonymous5:47 PM

    From Chicago just take I 57 South for a short while to Kankakee. Thank goodness I am back in Chicago.

  6. Anonymous10:45 PM

    i believe both parties are full of crap (the jack ass and the elephant certainly fit) and it's time for the american people to wake up and realize that nobody up there has the best interest of the general public in mind...the real deal is, how can i line my pockets with more cash from special interest groups, oil comapnies, etc, etc. remember, the oppoisite of PROgress is CONgress! I'm sure the founding fathers of this country envisioned all of this BS! We need a new party...the Less BS party. yes Mike, I am past the point of reconsiliation with this administration and the general assanine conduct of our elected officials.

  7. Bob, I'll quote Judge Chamberlain Haller from your favorite movie, "My Cousin Vinny"...... 'You have given a well-versed, thoughtful and concise argument - OVERRULED !!!!'

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I love that movie My Cousin Vinny.

  9. Anonymous2:37 PM

    By the way did I tell you that is one hot grandma.

  10. Is there such a term as G-MILF, or is that just too sick for naming??

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    You need to be nice.

  12. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Mikey, as a granddaddy, I curl up with a G-MILF nightly.

  13. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I am missing something here

  14. Moye, please don't tell me that you are unfamiliar with the acronym MILF??

  15. Anonymous10:58 AM

    moye, either you've led a sheltered life on the web or you need to be a grandaddy.

    Different slant on the post, and a different tangent of web lingo, which picture says "owned" and which one says "owns"...

  16. Anonymous10:00 PM

    WR I am a grandaddy and I must admit my three grandchildren are very precious to me. Probably sometimes to much. In fact I had one to turn 6 today he is the middle one. He told me on the phone his Grandma from Virginia drove 4 and 1/2 hours to see him and I lived 2 hours away and was not at his party. He is a little young to try to make understand I am in North Dakota today as North Dakota may as well be uptown to him.
