Friday, July 13, 2007

Is It September Already, Or Is Congress Jumping the Gun ??

"Zalkovsky, You've Got 30 Minutes to Kill Every Insurgent, Unite Parliament, Build Infrastructure and have Every Iraqi love Us, or we're going home........ NANCY SAYS SO !
Happy Labor Day everyone ! How was your weekend? Have the Yankees caught the Red Sox yet? I can't believe the kids are already back at school. What? It's still July??? That can't be, because I heard that the Democrats are trying to pull the troops out of Iraq, and that was supposed to be AFTER Gen. Petraeus' evaluation. I thought I missed it.
Am I to believe that the Democrats backed out on their promise to wait until Petraeus' report....... Could those people who promised to bring honesty back to Congress actually be lying to America?? Of course, they will say that they are just doing the people's will - that they got home for Independence Day break, and they were just inundated by people screaming 'Get out of Iraq NOW !!' . My reply? Bullshit.
Trust me, I and most people are not happy about being in Iraq, but this is the reality of the times. Both sides have valid points, but when one side backs out of an agreement under the guise of 'saving lives', I have a problem. It is entirely possible that in September, the Dems could have started the rollback based on Gen. Petraeus' report. They might have even looked like the good guys, and peace between the two parties might have begun. Forget it now.
It is entirely possible that this move will backfire on Pelosi, Reid and all the people in DC who only think about polls, and don't really understand the impact of leaving Iraq. Let me throw this scenario at you. We leave Iraq, and sometime in the near future, we are finally attacked again. How will it look then? If we were in Iraq, and we were attacked, the Republicans and President Bush would have no political ammunition to use, and no doubt we would be out. By leaving now, Bush can say that by going to Iraq, we protected our homeland. Maybe they never thought of it that way...... After all, thinking down the road isn't a trait born into the Democratic Party.
Even in the worst of partisan times, the deals brokered between the parties always stood. The Dems might think they are doing the right thing, and saving American lives, but for how long? It's possible and probable that we will lose lives here once again, and who will be blamed for the loss of those people.......... the ones who lost no one for 6 years while we fought the enemy overseas, or the ones who left them to thrive and attack us again??


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I love a woman with a gun. I love America. I support the President. I love Greeleyville.

  2. In that order, Moye?

    I love a woman with crazy eyes and a big , messed-up nose. I love America too. I support the President most of the time. I love Greeleyville too, but I go broke everytime I go there on Flag Day !

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Maybe not in that order.

  4. Anonymous9:36 PM

    meant to ask is this your cousin holding the rifle.

  5. No, Zalkovsky is her real name, and I have no idea who she is. i just pulled her pic on a Google search.

    My cousin's kid is named Christopher Reino.

  6. Anonymous10:01 AM

    When Congress authorized Iraq, they, like some "Christians" going Chinese menu on the Bible, are picking and chosing what constitutional powers they think ought to apply.

    In this atmosphere, the fact that is is is a binary operator. President Bush's authority to wage war is constitutional, just as congress' playing at giving aid and comfort to the enemy by trying to hamstring that authority and give Al Queda, et al, and give them the equivalent of a PCOD to get ready to move. We're still drawing down from the occupation of Germany after Mr. Hitler's follies, and we faced "an inconvenient truth" of SS diehards follwing through with Operation Werewolf, insurgent ops vs the Allies for several years after the war "ended".

    "We are doomed to repeat the history we didn't learn the first time." Georges Santayana (paraphrased)

  7. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Did you see Lindsey Graham and the Virginia Senator Webb I believe on the Sunday Meet the Press. Webb said that the President any President needs to distinquish a WWll type war from a Vietnam or Iraq. Give Lindsey credit he stood his ground. I would had slapped Webb.

  8. Anonymous10:55 AM

    NB the "Mikes America" blog. It seems that the guys in Baghdad are at least batting .800, vs the Pelosi/Reid led congress of dunces with one of nine of their benchmarks met.

    Iraq is probably a good diversion from their own failures.

  9. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Here in Minot North Dakota there is a USAF base. A missle and a B-52 base. Still looking for a Airman that looks like this female soldier.

  10. Yep, ND was real nervous last year during realignment. They almost got the BRAC kicked out of them. Why are there bases there - are we being invaded by Canada? Or are we still worried about the Red Menace coming over the top?

  11. Anonymous4:26 PM

    They are worried about Saskatchwan or Manitoba I believe. Maybe the civil war that will take place when Quebec pulls out of Canada.
