Thursday, September 13, 2007

Gadzooks!! Thompson Even With Rudy in SC ??

"Fred(O), is my GOP brother, but Fred(O) is weak, and he's stupid"
Michael Corleone, paraphrased from The Godfather II.
I never pass up a chance to quote from the Godfather.... I'm only kidding about the comment - I don't think Fred Thompson is weak or stupid. He's just not my guy.
Yes, Thompson (duh-duh!!) is in the race, and he has closed the gap on Rudy Giuliani in South Carolina to a dead heat (duh-duh!). By the way,the duh-duh is that noise you hear on Law & Order..... So with that, E-rudite people like myself must be shaking in our britches, right? Well, not quite, Jackson.
I was peeking at the poll roundup on Real Clear Politics, and although they don't list all the candidates, I do have a theory on the ramifications of Fred being official now. Disagree with me if you must - that's what the blog is for. Short term, Rudy has lost about 6-7 points, but they are not a drop of his polls. The Thompson entry will have one good outcome. All those 4-5 point candidates who are all trying to go far right, but have as much traction as a Lincoln Town with banana peel tires trying to cross Hudson Bay in January are done. Fini', Merde', Achtung Baby.....So, at long last, the debates that are often mistaken for a High School Commencement ceremony will finally be down to 5 guys - Giuliani, Thompson, McCain, Romney and Ron Paul........oops! I meant Mike Huckabee. Thanks for playing guys, the rest of you have parting gifts as you leave.
The other good news for Rudy? Someone else finally gets to play whipping boy in the GOP. For six months now, Rudy's been ahead in the polls, and with it, he's been attacked from every possible angle - he's a bad Catholic, he's too nice to gays, he's too mean to gays, he migh not get along with his kids, etc. I'm sure Team Giuliani will gladly give up having to focus so much on spinning BS attacks ever other day. Let Thompson play with it for a while - it might make him sorry he's running.
Now, can Thompson take South Carolina away from Rudy? Sure. Just look at the Geography - or for those in Abbeville, take a gander at the map. Hmmm, who might have a better shot in SC? The one from New York, Massachusetts, Arizona or Tennessee? Tough one to take a stab at, eh? I've spent every second of my life here for the past 10 1/2 years, and I'm still not local! The man speaks the language spoken here, he's just going to have an easier time. It can have one detriment though. If UT knocks off the Gamecocks, watch him drop a few points overnight!
There, i've analyzed it while still invoking the Reagan Commandment. Give me your take on it. Welcome to the race for real, Fred! Let the fun begin.....


  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    As I hope you got my voice mail I did accept a position not sure what it is. We did have a good crowd come out and listen to Ryan of the Rudy camp I heard tonight in Clarendon. There were other speakers I want mention. Going over the list of attendees over forty signed in a lot others did not put their name on the list so it was a good crowd there were more Rudy people than anyone else at the meeting. We wanted to make a show for the Mayor to let the Rudy camp know we were behind his campaign. Myself and others asked the crowd from the lake to show up and they did. Mr. Thompson would have had trouble making a second it would had been close but probably the second most group would had been Romney or McCain then maybe Thompson. I was given the sign in list here in Houston tonight and knew most if not all and while Thompson could possibly win the primary in Clarendon he will have to work. Of course we did have half of the list that had moved here from up north as you say. We also consider them to be from Clarendon and South Carolina and I hope Tennessee if they play South Carolina does whip them Cocks. Now you need to give the people of South Carolina the state more credit. While we have some shady characters I can show you places in any state that is just as bad and plenty of them. Southerners are not bad nor are they stupid. I believe they are the most caring people we have in this country and we may be the ones that save this country. In fact I believe we already have several times. That in spite of the fact we fought for our freedom at one time. I also believe the southern people are the most discrimated against people in this country and the federal goverment should pass a civil rights bill giving us guaranteed rights. Since you have been here over ten years then maybe we should include you in that group also. Can you say yall with a drawl yet.

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Mike, I think you blew your chances with the BMW dealership in Abbeville.

  3. WR, that may be ;)....

    Moye, I'm most of the way there. I can rip off 'y'all' well, but my 'Beau' sounds a bit unnatural - that and I look stupid driving a pickup!

  4. Anonymous7:54 PM

    You look pretty good in the back of a pickup going down Main Street in Greeleyville.

  5. as long as I had lots of crap to give away, everyone there felt the same too!

  6. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Everybody almost in Williamsburg county is looking for a hand out.
