Friday, September 14, 2007

SC6 Goes Big Time.... We Get Picked Up By Sunlight Foundation's Blog List.

I'm still unemployed today, but the free gigs continue to pile up!! This week, SC6 was contacted by the Sunlight Foundation, which asked to put my musings, in depth write-ups and meltdowns on their list of SC Blogs. Guess I need to start watching C-SPAN again so I can have some good material.

Sunlight is a "Non-Partisan group, founded in 2006 with the goal of using technology to enable citizens to learn more about what their elected representatives are doing, to help reduce corruption, ensure greater transparency andaccountability by government, and foster public trust in the vital institutions of democracy. We are unique in that technology and the power of the Internet are at the core of every one of our efforts." Sounds nice.

What does this mean for SC6? Well, it could gain a lot of publicity for yours truly, which is not usually a good thing. Essentially, this means that I'll tick off people nationally instead of just here in Florence, ensuring that I will be unable to find or keep a job in all of the US. What have I just done????

I'm not sure that Fred in Missoula, Montana will be too interested in reading about the daily foibles that make SC6 the most personal political blog in God's Country, so maybe I'll attempt to do my blog more like the others.....just better.



  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I have been to Missoula you may be surprised what old Fred likes.

  2. Moye ... is that a good thing?

    Welcome home, friend.

  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Good for Fred

  4. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Mike, the missive that "all politics is local" draws the facet that Though C-Span may give you material that the sycophancy of Main Stream Media doesn't think you need to know about their darlings, unless Matt Drudge has enough to convict them, keep the mix you've had going.

    Your unique insights aren't repeated anywhere else (for which some thank God, on both sides of the opinion balance sheet), so smile and keep on keepin on.

  5. Aw Shucks Rhino, you're making me blush....

    Wouldn't the fact that no one repeats my insights be an indication of their irrelevance - or is it just jealousy???!!!

  6. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Jealousy or denial, in the calculus of politics and opinion you are at least a data point, maybe a point of inflection or riding on a saddle point of the multivariant space.

    Yeah, it mightn't get the same publicity that a BMW service manager gets, it also isn't the pubicity a KIA service manger gets, different clientel.

    (and no, Earl is a better speech writer, ask him first).
