Saturday, September 08, 2007

Osama Shows Off His Beard, Thanks to His New Product - 'Just for Jihadists'...

Before: No Play for Mr. Gray.
After: Home Run w/ the Ladies !
While I, Osama Bin Laden, may be world renowned as the leader or Al-Qaeda, I noticed the women were ignoring me thru their birkhas. After I had them executed, I thought to myself, "Maybe it's the Gray Beard". Since all American products are made by Satan, I decided to make my own, and Volia!! It's Just for Jihadists. The first haircolor for Men whose religious fervor goes a bit towards the extreme.
Made with all natural henna, it keeps my flavor savor soft, shiny, bouncin' and behavin' !! As far as the ladies, lets just says Midnight at the Oasis has been pretty exciting lately. Try it today............ oh, and Death to America and all the Infidels....
available at all Wal-Mart stores.


  1. We've got a pretty good idea where he is, but we're not allowed into that area in Pakistan. Not everyone in Pakistan likes America - most hate us. Musharraf has his hands full on this one. Does he be a friend of the US, or of the religious fanatics at home?

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    What we need to do is bomb them.

  3. Is this an attempt to hustle Islamic Formula, guaranteed to get the gray out of your beard in just one week?

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I'll bet that it covers bacon grease stains on his leisure suits too...
