Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sorry for the Absence, But Life Got In the Way...

I apologize for the long time between posts, but things have been in quite a state of flux the past month. Work has been far from enjoyable - my advice to the local BMW owners is to FUCKING CHILL !! For a while , I swore I was going to get fired, but I think it's passed. Time will tell.
The main cause of upheaveal though has been social. I met a woman a month or so ago, and we hit it off right from the start. She is smart, beautiful, funny, and most importantly - she is COOL AS ALL HELL !! In a nutshell, this girl gets me like no one I have ever met. I can only remember once before in my life where I met a girl like this, and I didn't try, mainly because I was told I wouldn't be able to handle dating her - and they were probably right.
Of course, there are extenuating circumstances that roadblock anything happening now. Of course, I figured I could put on my Superman costume, show off my devastasting handsomeness and my disarming charm, and overcome these problems - not quite. I almost completely blew it. One request - she has the blog address, so those of you who do know her, please skip using names or listing the roadblocks right now. I may have to kill you otherwise...........:)
Being the nutjob that I am, I tried to fit a square peg (and other things) into the proverbial round hole, and in the process, I almost permanently screwed stuff up. This threw me for a mental loop and into a nice funk for about a week, but I have come back nicely. I've learned to admit mistakes, and she is cool enough to forgive me. Sure, I don't expect to be dating her right now, but that's okay. Every minute with her is pure gold, and I'll just enjoy it and maybe hope for the best. I'll quote a line from the Shawshank Redemption...
"Never give up on hope. Hope is a good thing - maybe the best of things."
LOVE YA, BABE !!! ;)


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I remember when I was in love the last time or was it the first time. Thank goodness I survived. Came to my good sense. Or did I. You know what I am trying to say.

  2. I don't want to pull out the "love , but not IN love" cliche....You wouldn't like her anyway - BIG Carolina fan.

    Just felt I owed everyone an explanation for the absence. I probably shouldn't have made this post, but we'll see how it goes.

  3. Anonymous1:50 PM

    GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON DAMMIT. Being an ECU fan, that shouldn't be too hard for you to do! By the way, you can land some tickets to the Penn State/Ohio State game for about $180...I expect to see them in your hand soon.

  4. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Look my last serious one was a Gamecock fan. What a BITCH. Other than that a great person. Maybe it was the looks and the body. Yea thats what it was.

  5. Yeah, but if ECU went undefeated, but just missed the BCS, I'd be a bit bummed.

    Easy Bob, she's not a fan of yours.....:)

  6. wow - those comments are rather powerful and quite revealing.

    advice to round hole, be kind and love the square peg. forgive him and understand that beneath it all, he's is, to quote ferris bueller's school secretary, "a righteous dude".

  7. Yes, underneath all that political flamethrowing, I'm just a big softie...

  8. Anonymous9:58 PM

    In the PeeDee, one has to ask which Carolina?

  9. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Serious Carolina to me is UNC and USC to me is Southern Cal. The school in Columbia is the Cocks. Enough said.

  10. Please don't make me say she's a big Cocks fan. :(

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Mike Reino in an odd dialect translates as wan-hun-glo, though I'm not certain if it belongs to a Tamil separatist group or the cixanein canton in Tibet. ;)

  12. I lost you after wan-hun-glo, Rhino. You must love Dennis Miller.

  13. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Not much of a Dennis Miller fan but we all are West_Rhino fans.

  14. Anonymous2:40 PM

    friday ;)

  15. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I MIGHT be working at the tc tonight, are u in town?

  16. I'm in hilton Head Mon.-Fri., so I'll be available Fri. night or Sat. Either one work for you?

    Thanks for writing back - I hope you don't get in trouble for it. Good post to pick, by the way.. ;)

  17. Anonymous5:08 PM

    never mind, not working 2nite. I doubt i will work this weekend though. i'll see

  18. Too bad... Hey, I'm just glad to hear from you again. Missed you alot. How did classes go - Dean's List?

  19. Anonymous1:48 PM

    didn't make deans list, but raised my GPA. I won't be working this weekend, but maybe sometime soon.

  20. I'm proud of you, Princess.

    It's been 5 months since I've seen you - another week isn't gonna kill me ! ;)
