Tuesday, October 16, 2007

First Negative Ads Hit South Carolina - Who Are Log Cabin Republicans ??

Today, I saw the first TV ad that I'd label as negative. It was from the group Log Cabin Republicans, and their target? Mitt Romney. The ad uses footage from his debates in the 90's, where he criticized Ronald Reagan, and says pro-abortion statements.

I found it a little strange to see an attack ad against a guy who is cemented in 4th place, so I wanted to find out more into them, and I was surprised. The Log Cabin Republicans are a group of Gay and Lesbian Conservatives. I would think, based on previous stances, they would be pro-Giuliani. So, is this an attack from Giuliani? I don't know, but I'm sure they're not complaining about it. Romney has been indirectly attacking Rudy (see earlier post from this week), so the help is probably not welcome.

The one question in my mind is the decision to call themselves Log Cabin GOP. It would keep critics off of their backs, as oppose to being called Gay and Lesbian GOP. Being homosexual and a Republican is a gutsy and tough place to be. Gays are generally very liberal, and not a lot of Republicans welcome homosexuality, so I respect the strength it takes to be a part of a group that others may not be welcoming you with open arms.

My guess is that the floodgates are about to open for the negative ads. We're right at 90 days til the primary, so let the games begin!!



  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Like any advocacy within the GOP, the Log Cabin crew is free to rate and air their ratings of the candidates and buy air time. From a number of Log Cabin members and some closeted gay Republicans, the perspective seemed to be, "we're gay, not brain dead" and that nevermind the pandering of Democrats platforms, conservatism and the GOP offered the best future for them and their families.

    They have, from what I've heard, stuck to issues more broadly based than their primary constituency.

    I's still waiting for slitheron.org to try to "swift boat" candidates here.

  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I actually know two log cabin members that live in Clarendon. They are originally from up north and as far as I can tell they are ok especially the sweet one. the other is a chef and we are friends and they have voted in the last several gop elections/primaries. they actually got married somewhere and have been together for a long time. They love to introduce themselves as my wife and my wife. not saying it is right but they are living in peace in the open and no one seems to care at davis station, sc.

  3. It's good to hear some tolerant voices within the party. Too bad not everyone is like that. Everytime the GOP tries to legislate morality, we seem to look bad and lose.

    If Log Cabin is staying mainstream in it's issues, they will get much more respect than becoming a kook fringe group. Sure, there will be differences on a few issues, but there is more in common overall...

  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Mike,, the theospohical tangents are many and this is ground where the press most often shows its hand in not understanding forgiveness and grace. A long trail of digressions can follow this topic, but I have yet to find any groups of serial murders/aborionists that support conservatives, a prospect of taking responsibility for your own actions doesn't fuel the abortion industry. From outside the Log Cabin GOP, the Republican creed can and does (obviously) appeal to its membership, more so than the call of carelessness in the big government largesse and coddling explicit and implicit in the opposition's courting of the "gay" community.

    By and large, the Log Cabin folks will take deliberate and measured steps as should any auxillary of the GOP and any advocacy group. A telling position would be if and when they endorse a candidate. I suspect that they're all over the map of candidates, though I'd half expect more to be attracted to Ron Paul's lassiez faire positions.
