Monday, October 15, 2007

Join Barack on the Obowel Movement.........

I'm Sorry - It's Late , I'm a bit Sleepy - It Just Struck Me as Funny......
All together now.........Hey, Barack, where can I make a donation? Or is a deposit a more correct term???? Maybe that's what Sen. Craig was trying to do in Minneapolis.....


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    wonder if he will accept the vp. he may win in iowa.

  2. Nope, Moye. There is general rule of thumb concerning Senators - they thnk they are smarter than everyone else. VP is not a job for them. Edwards accepted the gig because he wasn't able to run for his seat, so VP looked good.

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I understand, for Edwards, that NC needs a replacement for Mike Nifong. As to the abomination or was that Obamanation, we hear that octaroons aren't sufficiantly schwartz to be hyphenated Americans, so Hilary is the default option to return a "black" man to the White House, even if it is a the First Bubba.
