Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hillary's $50 Billion 401k Plan....

Hillary, Describing How Much Her 401k Plan Will Cost........
Sen. Hillary Clinton unveiled her 401k plan for America this week, and like most Democrat proposals involving retirement, it just doesn't work. Why? Because , it's based on winning an election, not on improving America...........
You Must Make Less Than $100k.
Not a big problem, because I have no sympathy for people who make 100k+, but can't seem to save $1000. The main problem by not including them is , in the classic Democratic way, it creates class warfare - poorer vs. the more affluent.
Single People Aren't Included.
Now I have a problem. Sorry Hill, but not all people stay in a loveless marrige for the sake of political expediency. If I'm paying for it, I should be included, which kinda takes me back to the first criticism. More and more voters are staying single for a longer period of time. I just don't understand the reason for skipping people just because they're not married. There are plenty of poor single people too.
We Already Have a Retirement Plan - Social Security !!
Remember Social Security? That plan designed to provide savings and income for everyone? The one where President Bush proposed a private account for each citizen??? Bueller? Anyone, Bueller?? Rather than spending $50 Billion more to get some votes, why not take the Social Security money, and provide the private accounts to all, and put the money partially in the private market in safe investments. I know, I know - too easy.
As usual, Hillary has devised a plan that is aimed in populist terms, more concerned about getting votes, pitting the classes against each other, and worst of all, way too expensive. It won't break America, but it's just a bad plan. Grade: D-


  1. I wouldn't have her kiss my butt for $1 Million.

  2. Anonymous11:38 PM

    yes you would cause you are freaky

  3. Ok, I'd kiss it for the money, but that's all !!

  4. Anonymous10:33 AM

    mike, who's kissing whose butt, I lost track...

  5. I'm kinda lost myself. Let me clarify... My dog sniffs my butt for free, so I suppose I would let her kiss mine for $1M, although I'd want pictures.

    Me kissing hers? I'd have to ask Jim Clyburn what it's like first before I answer that one. ;)
