Friday, October 12, 2007

What Do Ben's Mom & Dad Bring From Pa. ? Six Bags of Chips and No Scrapple.... Damn !!

Continuing with Ben's Mom and Stepdad's visit, Mom is a white tornado. She caught everything that I forgot to clean - microwave, laundry room, etc. It's clean as a whistle now, no thanks to me.

Like normal families do, they brought some of Ben's favorites with them. Homemade chocolate chip cookies, lots of cleaning products, and Middleswarth's BBQ Potato Chips......6 bags of them !! Seriously, Ben's had every member of his family check out the new digs, and they all bring these chips with them. I've tried one - they are good, nothign earth-shatteringly great, but I'm sure it reminds him of home. But no scrapple.

You say you've never had the culinary decadence from out Amish friends in God's country? Well, you are missing out on one of the tastiest things there are - as long as you don't what it is exactly..... You see scrapple is a pork loaf made from - how do I put this - all the leftovers from the pork processing. Remember this is an animal that they chop the feet and ears off and still sell it. I don't know what the leftovers are, and I don't want to know. Ignorance is bliss - and yummy.

They take all that scrap - hence scrapple - cook it in broth, add spices and herbs then form it into a loaf. You cut a piece of it off, fry it in a pan till it's crispy and brown.................

and VOILA - scrapple. If you have heartburn issues, you may want to pass, but in my book, nothing is better with a couple eggs. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. If you ever make it to Pennsylvania, try it sometime. MMMMMM !



  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Tried it and that is all I am saying about it.

  2. Didn't like it? Scrapple GOOD !!

  3. Anonymous11:42 PM

    reminds me of the movie lost in paradise or was it paradise lost where the three dudes went to paradise pennsylvania to rob a bank and the town was so great they gave the money back. in one scene in a restaurant they were eating scrapple great christmas movie some dirty words not much else

  4. It was Lost in Paradise. I've never watched it, but I may need to for the scrapple scene..

  5. Anonymous7:53 PM

    you missing a good movie if you don't

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I though there was something similarly wierd about you and Stewart Flood, now I know what it is...

  7. Is Stew a Scrapple Man? Other than that, he's more of a Libertarian than me.
