Sunday, October 21, 2007

Louisiana Gets a New Governor........

Bobby Jindal Gets His Chance After Katrina....

US Rep. Bobby Jindal did yesterday what he was unable to do in 2003 - win the race for Governor. Jindal , a Republican, lost to Kathleen Blanco in a very tight race, but he had a much easier time this year. The race also shows some of the oddities in Louisiana election rules.

Jindal, a 36 yr. old Indian-American, got 53% of the vote in the primary field of 11 candidates, made up of Democrats and Republicans, and in doing so, faught off the need for a runoff. The nearest candidate had 18%. Gov. Blanco, amidst all the criticism from Hurricane Katrina, decided not to run again. Guess she knew her place in history was already secure, so why run ...

Of course, no one can be sure if Jindal would have done any better, but the time away certainly made him look better. Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin were known to not be buddies after Nagin endorsed Jindal back in '03, which was partially blamed for the poor communication between local, state and federal governments.

It's also a sign that the voters in Louisiana aren't looking to the federal goverment for a handout , but to just get New Orleans back to normal - or ar least back to the way it used to be. Good Luck!



  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Also suggests that a senate seat could swing to the GOP...

  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    He got robbed in the last election I am glad to see him pull it off.

  3. Mary Landrieu seems to be teflon covered for some strange reason. Everyone blames Bush , Blanco and Nagin, but the Federal politicians don't seems to get any blame.

  4. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Her approvals are lower that David Vitter, who confirmed that he spent time with the DC madame. She has had close races in her senate contests too.
    Last time she ran she had a close race and the state was completely Democrat up and down the line, now the opposite is true. This is a must win for the GOP in '08.

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Landrieu, as in the name of one of the main contactors on the levees in New Orleans... IMHO lucky the bodies (the corpses of engineers) in the fill dirt used to build them up weren't found by the Corps of Engineers, though their having cast ballots was obdurately conceeded by by an election commission that offered that they'd do better the next time, being certain not to use those names obviously dead for over 20 years to provide a majority.

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I will be heading to Baton Rouge in a few hours then New Orleans will let you know about the levees

  7. Anonymous10:29 PM

    oh do do do do...
