Monday, October 22, 2007

SC6 Consumer Alert: More Scams to Separate You From Your Money....

We've all gotten the e-mail from the Prince in Africa who needs you to take a couple million dollars of his money, only to steal all the cash in your checking account. Well, there are other, more deceptive scams out there, and I got one of them today.
It was a letter from Canada saying I was entered into their Lotto-6, and that I won $175,000 - WOW! They sent me a check for $2950 to pay for the taxes, and all I needed to do was deposit the check into my account. Easy Enough....
Of course, what happens is the money goes in, and they now have your checking account number, then they take the $2950 plus whatever else you have in there out. I can imagine that a lot of people get scammed this way, so here are a few easy tips to look out for.
1. If you didn't enter a contest, you can't win.
2. Is the letter signed by a named person?
3. Is the letter from out of the country?
4. Does any of the information match?
5. You never win the lottery.


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    watch out out there

  2. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Looks like a good one to open a new account with and move the funds as soon as it clears, though having your institution freeze all transactions not personally executed by you.
