Thursday, October 04, 2007

Not All Polls Are Equal: Romney Support in SC Triples ??

Mitt Romney, Showing How the Pollsters Were Smoking Their Doobies as they were Taking the Surveys.....
A small, or rather not so small correction on the previous post on the recent polls. Almost all the polls showed that there were little to no change - except one. American Research Group somehow had Fred Thompson go from 21% in August to 10% in September, while Mitt Romney went from 9% to 26% - all together now......... WTF???
It was such a crappy poll that even Terry Sullivan, Romney's SC campaign manager, sent an e-mail to downplay the poll results. So how did this happen? I have two theories. First, the pollsters are all high. I don't know this for sure, but what else could it be? ARG needs a screening test before they hire these guys...
Of course, like most things, there is a reasonable explanation. ARG's computer system screwed up. What? Computers are infallible !! Maybe, but people are stupid. Let's review.
Giuliani - no change
McCain - no change
Thompson - 21% to 10%
Romney - 9% to 26%.
Taking into consideration that all the other polls had Thompson with a 4 point spike from announcing his candidacy, how did this happen? Simple. Whoever set up the program had Romney and Thompson backwards. Therefore, all the entries for Thompson went to Romney, and all the entries for Romney went to Thompson. That would give Thompson a 5 pt spike, and Romney would go up a point. Sounds reasonable, and it would put the poll in line with the rest. Case closed.............
Now, would ARG admit they blew it, and blew it hardcore? No way. But watch Romney fall like a stone, and Thompson double come next month. Pollsters don't admit errors after the fact. They're not going to say they blew an entire poll. But I think we all know a bad poll when we see one, and even Romney's camp knows.......


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    All your Clintons are belong to us!

  2. Anonymous10:32 PM

    sorry, can't vote for a guy named Mitt, just like i won't vote for a Bubba!
