Thursday, October 04, 2007

Sleeping Together - Bad for Women, Good for Men..

This Doesn't Work... Someone's Gonna Have Their Arm Fall Asleep.
I ran into another one of those odd medical findings from a survey in Austria. They did a study of couples , to find out about their sleeping habits together. It seems that men sleep much better than women do together. Exactly why? They don't know. Good job , fellas.....
They have a couple theories. Do men snoring have an effect? Some, but my ex snored too - not as bad as me, but she snored. Like the pic shows, women like to cuddle, which is not good for sleep. If it were, they'd make beds out of dead bodies, not springs and foam.....Of course, avoid cuddling with your spouse and see what happens!
Like most things involving a relationship, women often like to discuss the problem, while we men will usually push them off, right? Men like to tell women 'we'll talk about it later - I gotta fix the lawnmower'. What better way to escape than falling asleep? We men are creatures of avoidance, so to avoid anything by sleeping is just natural...
Like most studies, there is nothing earth- shattering here, but I hope my insights from a guy's perspective helped explain some of it. Oink, Oink!

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